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NSCA’s Rocky Mountain Region


NSCA has a network of volunteer leaders who direct NSCA’s efforts at the state level. NSCA’s Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator provides oversight and training to local state directors. Members in the Rocky Mountain Region can connect at local and regional events as well as on Facebook to others in this area.

Assessing Speed and Agility Related to Sport Performance

May 1, 2017


This article presents information about assessing speed and agility in a controlled environment with a test that is similar to the actual demands of a specific sport.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation performance test agility test speed testing assessment

Anthropometrical Considerations for Customizing the Squat Pattern

February 25, 2019


Proper form and biomechanical execution of the squat has been a long-debated subject in the fitness and sports performance industries. The following article describes a method to help determine an individual’s preferred squatting foot position, setup, and depth based on their unique hip anthropometrics for smarter, safer, and more optimized squatting.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Squat Squat Position Bio-mechanics Squat stance

NSCA Board of Directors

The National Strength and Conditioning Association is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected by the NSCA membership. The board is comprised of eight members of the NSCA and one elected public member.

High School Athletic Directors’ Resources


Resources for High School Athletic Directors and Administrators who are interested in adding a strength and conditioning position to their school or improving their existing strength and conditioning program. Includes tools for creating a position and evaluating your existing program, as well as information for parents.

Youth Performance and Fitness—Strength and Conditioning Information for Parents

March 1, 2013


Strength and conditioning professionals who incorporate a properly designed and supervised training program can help their young athletes train, compete, and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design youth athlete training youth strength training youth training guidelines

2022 Award Winners

Congratulations to the NSCA's 2022 winners! This page is updated as new award winners are named throughout the year.

NSCA Announces 2024 Peer Awards


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is proud to announce the recipients of the organization’s 2024 Peer Awards. These distinctive awards honor professionals around the world for outstanding achievement in their field. Each individual was nominated by the NSCA community and will be formally recognized at the 2024 NSCA National Conference in Baltimore, MD, this July 10-13.

RSCC: The Badge of Credibility in Professional Sports


If you want to manage the performance of assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you better know what you’re doing. At the elite and professional levels of sport, strength and conditioning coaches are responsible for managing the performance of teams’ most valuable assets – The Athletes.

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