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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of  the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

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RSCC Course Materials 2023


Purchase the 2023 RSCC renewal course. - Achieve a minimum of 70% to renew your RSCC designation and earn 0.6 CEUs towards your certification.



Welcome to the NSCA Global program where there are over 10,000 certified professionals found in over 50 countries. The NSCA is committed to empower international partners to advance world understanding of the NSCA’s mission. The NSCA Global community is motivated by educating first.

Navigating the Challenges of CASCE Accreditation

Answers to 7 common questions about CASCE accreditation and resources to clarify and streamline the process.



Why is the NSCA collaborating with CREP? The NSCA is dedicated to advocating for strength and conditioning professionals and advancing their careers. CREP’s mission is to secure recognition of registered exercise professionals for their distinct and impactful roles in medical, health, fitness, and sports performance fields, and we believe collaborating with CREP will help us in furthering the industry as a whole.

CREP Recognizes NSCA’s TSAC-F Credential


OVERLAND PARK, KS – The Coalition for the Registry of Exercise Professionals (CREP) is pleased to announce the addition of the Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator (TSAC-F) credential to its national registry for exercise professionals.



Recertification fees are due on December 31, every three (3) years, and are required to maintain your NSCA certification. Professional and Student Membership renewal fees are due annually.



CASCE accreditation is chosen by programs looking to be seen as a leader in strength and conditioning education.

Earn NSCA CEU through Publications


Advance the strength and conditioning profession while earning CEUs when you share your knowledge by getting published.

RSCC Course Materials 2024


Purchase the 2024 RSCC renewal course. - Achieve a minimum of 70% to renew your RSCC designation and earn 0.6 CEUs towards your certification.

Sample Job Description - Full Time Strength and Conditioning Coach


This sample job description is intended to be used as a starting point for creating a job description that is appropriate for your situation.

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