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Video Personal Trainers

(140 found)

Effects of Core Instability on Muscle Activity

January 15, 2019


Potentially, an instability training program that first involves static balance and then progresses to dynamic balance activities would improve intrinsic balance. This improvement in balance would increase movement confidence, releasing the neuromuscular system from a stiffening strategy to more unimpeded motion, force, and power development.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Core Balance Instability

Low-Carbohydrate Diets for Athletes

March 25, 2013


In this presentation from the NSCA's 2013 Personal Trainer Conference, Alan Aragon and Jeff Volek discuss low-carbohydrate diets for athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Nutrition Carbohydrates Nutrition

Training for Maximum Strength and Powerlifting

July 9, 2021

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From the 2020 NSCA Alabama Virtual State Clinic, Christina Myers discusses the benefits, training considerations, and exercise selection factors for maximal strength training, as well as how these techniques improve sport performance.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Max Strength Neurological Adaptations Stretch-Shortening Cycle Velocity Specificity

Training the Older Adult

May 14, 2021

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Hayley Legg, the NSCA Provincial Director for Saskatoon and senior lecturer at St. Mary’s University in London, presents on training the older adult. This includes considerations during the aging process, training implications across the spectrum, and the role of the strength and conditioning practitioner.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Injury Prevention Independence Osteoporosis Osteopenia Sarcopenia Postural Control

Socioeconomics in Strength and Conditioning: A Progressive Approach

February 12, 2021


From the 2020 NSCA Delaware State Clinic, Gordon Jeter and Terique Boyd discuss socioeconomics and how it ties into social issues within the field of strength and conditioning. They also provide actionable pathways for coaches to address these issues and expand the scope of available resources to help provide better educational and occupational opportunities.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Professional Development Socioeconomics Diversity and Inclusion Implicit Bias Mentors

Blood Flow Restriction Training: Strategies for Effective Applications

July 10, 2020

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In this session from the 2019 NSCA National Conference, Gary Boros, Associate Director of Sports Performance at the University of Denver, and Chris Jarmon, Sport Performance Coach at Landow Performance, discuss the understanding of the science and research behind blood flow restriction (BFR); connects research insights in performance, rehabilitation, and general fitness; and discerns the ideal use cases, equipment, and training protocols for BFR.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Blood Flow Restriction GPP Rehabilitation Growth Hormone

A Woman’s Worth: How to Help Female Clients Improve Their Body Image

April 17, 2020


In this session from NSCA’s 2019 National Conference, Molly Galbraith, Woman-in-Charge at Girls Gone Strong, discusses barriers of body image and explains the impact a health professional can have. This session also provides actionable tools to help clients improve their body image and feel safer, stronger, and more confident in their body.

Personal trainers Coaches Professional Development Body Image Strength Professional Development Building Relationships

Running with Power

March 27, 2020

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In this session from the 2019 NSCA National Conference, Joe Drake, co-owner of Gravity + Oxygen Fitness and Axiom Fitness Academy, discusses power, explains how running power allows you to determine overall effort, and educates on how to test and track running power in order to maximize training efforts.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Running Power Triple Extension Energy Ground Contact Watts

High Protein Intake: Body Composition, Microbiome, and Genetic Influences

February 4, 2020


In this nutrition discussion from CEO and co-founder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, Jose Antonio, identifies what a “high” intake of protein is for athlete; the risks, if any, for high protein intakes; the effects of high protein intakes on body composition; and the genes that may influence body composition.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Nutrition Nutrition Protein Body Composition Blood Lipids Genetics

Rotational Power for the Everyday Athlete

January 26, 2020


With this hands-on session, David Otey discusses the anatomy and biomechanics of rotational training for the everyday athlete. Also covered is how to structure implementation of rotational training and establish parameters for any client.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Anti-rotation Rotation Dynamic Mobility Serape Effect

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