The purpose of this article is to discuss creatine supplementation for athletes by addressing supplementation for athletic performance, recovery, cognition, brain function, safety, contraindications, and other special considerations.
This is an excerpt from NSCA's Essentials of Sport Science by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association, Duncan N. French & Lorena Torres-Ronda.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the biomechanics of the golf swing and injury prevention management that could result in improved movement throughout the golf swing and lower the recurrence of lower back pain.
Collecting data can be trial and error, but by building a solid foundation prior to data collection and putting the appropriate people and procedures in place, the tactical facilitator can minimize errors while optimizing effort, money, and time.
William Kraemer, PhD, CSCS,*D, spoke at the 2012 National Conference on the compatibility of training programs, addressing common problems and solutions.
Program designTraining ProgramsCreating Trainging ProgramsAthlete ConsiderationsTraining LoadTraining Volume
By reviewing this simplified process of obtaining a client’s health history and physician release, designing an exercise routine with modified exercises, and providing exercises for paid clients versus general members, NSCA-CPTs can be confident prescribing a routine for those who suffer from chronic or temporary health issues.
Personal trainersClient Consultation|Assessmentspecial populationshealth issuespersonal trainingnsca-cpt