Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.
Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.
The purposes of assessment are to gather baseline data and to provide a basis for developing goals and effective exercise programs. Gathering and evaluating the various pieces of information give the personal trainer a broader perspective of the client. The process and the data collected assist the trainer in identifying potential areas of injury and reasonable starting points for recommended intensities and volumes of exercise based on the goals and fitness outcomes.
Personal trainersTesting and EvaluationClient Consultation|Assessmenttests and assessmentexercise prescriptionstrength trainingtactical athlete
Beyond the programming, exercise technique, and human physiology, it is also important to create a customized system for sales success. Re-framing the purpose of the sales presentation in the proper light and creating a customized system that will allow a fitness professional to sell their services with integrity can allow them to help more clients.
Personal trainersProfessional DevelopmentFitness IndustryPersonal Training BusinessSalesSales Presentation
The purpose of this article is to present evidence for implementing wellness coaching practices for enhanced dissemination of knowledge and improved efficacy of lasting behavior change, positively affecting the service member’s fitness performance levels and decreasing risk of lifestyle disease development.
With the rapid development of technology, the daily demands for physical activity are significantly reduced. This article details four distinct phases for personal trainers to implement when working with clients coming from sedentary lifestyles.
Personal trainersProgram designClient Consultation|AssessmentBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseaseLifestyle ChangeSedentary ClientNon-Exercise-Based Physical Activity
Trainer Tips are infographics designed to help you, an NSCA professional, educate clients and promote your services. These member-only resources can be used for client education, motivation, and promotion.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceNutritionhydrationNSCA-CPTinfographics
This article will provide some conditions and standards with specific tools personal trainers may consider using in their initial interview with potential clients.
Personal trainersClient Consultation|AssessmentProfessional DevelopmentClientsAccountabilityGoalsPersonal TrainersProgress
This article briefly discusses tips for personal trainers using wearable fitness devices, including how to help guide clients towards proper utilization, understanding, and application of the information provided.
By understanding the differences between features, benefits, and results, along with how they impact current or potential clients, personal trainers can separate themselves from the rest of the pack and ensure long-term success of their business.
Personal trainersProfessional Developmentpersonal trainingpersonal training businessmarketing for personal trainers
One the fastest growing trends in the fitness industry over recent years has been the increase of personal training studios. Learn how to identify the varied services that can be offered at the personal training studio, and how to promote and sell in a layered pricing format.
Personal trainersOrganization and AdministrationNSCA-CPTmarketing for personal trainersbusiness of personal trainingpersonal training
The purpose of this article is to provide a practical, step-by-step process on how to establish trust with your clientele that is valuable in achieving long-term success in this industry.
Personal trainersProfessional DevelopmentReferral SystemClientsBuy-InFirst Impressions