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Nutrition for Competition Cycle

August 12, 2019


This book excerpt from Developing Endurance goes over nutritional strategies for pre-competition and during competition phases to maximize performance.

Coaches Nutrition Nutrition Cycle Nutrition Competition Pre-Competition Endurance

In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters

February 29, 2020

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This NSCA Coach article focuses on the in-season resistance training and mobility exercises designed for the 100-m sprint track and field high school athlete.

Coaches Program design Sprinting High School Athlete Program Design Vertical Jump hs-coaching

Eccentric and Balance Training to Enhance Pistol Shooting Performance in the Young Athlete

November 19, 2018

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The Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) is a speed shooting competition designed for school-aged youth. The key to training a successful SASP competitor is to not overlook the often forgotten balance and eccentric training exercises that target key muscle groups involved in the competition. An implementation of balance and eccentric training is suggested to aid the performance of young shooters in competition.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Eccentric Training Balance Training Youth athlete Training for shooting Youth Training hs-coaching

The Case for Gameday Resistance Training in Non-Contact High-Intensity Intermittent Sports

February 5, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to review the related literature that has explored the influence of resistance training programs on the onset of fatigue and muscular power as it relates to non-contact high-intensity intermittent sports, in order to provide suggestions for creating same-day training programs.

Coaches Program design Neuromuscular Fatigue Power Gameday Resistance Training Post Activation Potentiation

Introduction to Dynamic Warm-Up

June 1, 2017


Interest is growing in warm-up procedures that involve dynamic activities and sport-specific movements that maximize active ranges of motion at different movement-specific speeds while preparing the body for the demands of sport training and competition.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique warm-up dynamic warm-up strength and conditioning

Hierarchical Structure of Periodization Cycles

August 24, 2018


The periodization of training is facilitated by a hierarchical structure that allows for several distinct interrelated levels that can be used in the planning process. Each level of the periodization process should be based on the training goals established for the athlete or team.

Coaches Program design Periodization Program Design Training Load Training Volume

JOP Matrix—Application to Lacrosse

January 1, 2016

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Ultimately, there is no “one magical exercise” that can be programmed to appropriately develop all physical training adaptations required in competition, but the JOP Matrix can be used to help address several necessary adaptations needed for lacrosse players.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning strength training lacrosse matrix JOP matrix jump to hop

Safe Return to Sport – Evaluation and Mitigating in an Unprecedented Time

January 29, 2021

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From the NSCA 2020 Texas Virtual State Clinic, Erik Korem, Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete High Performance at the College of William & Mary, discusses these unprecedented times and safe ways to reintroduce athletes back to full competition.

Coaches Program design Acclimatization Pandemic Volume Intensity Heat Illness

Be Legendary: 10 Steps for Leading an Impactful Life

August 12, 2019

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Bert Sorin, President and Co-Owner of Sorinex Exercise Equipment, discusses his road map to staying relevant in a growing field of competition, provides alternate views of success and the long-term impact as a trainer, and offers insight into effective leadership qualities in this session from the NSCA’s 2018 Personal Trainers Conference.

Personal trainers Coaches Professional Development Professional Development Authenticity Value Impact

Tapering and Peaking for Optimal Performance in Team Sports

August 1, 2017

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In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 National Conference, Iñigo Mujika explains the scientific basis of tapering and peaking in sports, and the effects of manipulating training components during the taper process. Mujika provides the scientific background and examples of tapering and peaking for a league format competition and a major tournament in team sports.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Tapering Peaking Team sports 2017-National-Conference

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