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(35 found)

Advanced Understanding of Olympic-Style Weightlifting for Sport

September 24, 2018

Article Members Only

Some of the major misconceptions concerning Olympic-style weightlifting for sport are addressed in this article, providing evidence-based recommendations to better implement the snatch, clean and jerk, and their derivatives in the training of high school and collegiate athletes.

Coaches Program design Olympic Style Weightlifting Snatch Clean Jerk High School Coaching hs-coaching

Improving the Strength and Conditioning Program on a Limited Budget

February 3, 2023

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This article provides a first-hand perspective of different approaches strength and conditioning coaches can take when they need to produce a highly competitive athlete, but their financial resources are limited.

Coaches Program design Professional Development

Assessment Batteries—Practical Decision Making for Firefighter Fitness Batteries

April 1, 2016


In addition to standard health, fitness, or sport assessment guidelines, several guidelines exist for the fire service. Since each agency is different in its preferences, capabilities, and philosophies, applying a standard recommendation may not be possible. This article introduces basic decision-making considerations for fire service assessment batteries.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Safety fitness tests tactical strength and conditioning fitness assessment firefighter

Circuit Strength Training with Ability-Based Modifications for Law Enforcement Recruits

March 4, 2019

Article Members Only

Circuit training is quick and effective way to induce training adaptations that are similar to the demands that tactical officers face in their career. This is a basic layout of a circuit training program that can be implemented to recruits during training to prepare them for the physical demands they will face.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Tactical Circuit Training Training Recruits

Implementing a Time-Efficient Occupational Training Program for Law Enforcement Personnel

March 31, 2023

Article Members Only

This article discusses the findings of a recent study on the effectiveness of a time-efficient occupationally-specific training program to improve performance in qualities related to physically demanding tactical tasks in law enforcement officers.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Law Enforcement Officers Musculoskeletal Injury Warm-Up Recovery

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