Static and dynamic conditioning of the core musculature is important in activities of daily living and in sport. This book excerpt includes sample static exercises to strengthen the core muscles responsible for stabilization against, or movement through, the four basic movement patterns.
Using the sled closely mimics real-time sports performance movements and activities because of the horizontal resistance opposing the vertical movements typically seen in a weight room setting. This article highlights a variety of sled training exercises designed to target the core musculature.
Personal trainersExercise TechniqueProgram designpersonal trainingcore trainingSled training
Isolated muscle training methods do not necessarily transfer to better sports performance, because technique as well as strength contributes to successful performance. Resistance training for dynamic sports must involve ground-based movements that incorporate the coordinated stabilizing and dynamic functions of multiple muscles.
CoachesExercise Sciencecore trainingkinetic selectnervous systemstrength and conditioning
Learning to lunge correctly can strengthen the lower body musculature, improve core stability and balance, enhance hip flexibility, and increase functionality. There are a plethora of modifications and progressions to consider.
Personal trainersExercise TechniqueProgram designLungeCore StabilityLunge ProgressionLower Body Exercise
This article provides an understanding of the role the core plays during execution of athletic movements, as well as provides evidence-based concepts that help to strengthen the core and maximize movement performance.
Developing a program for a general population client requires understanding their movement needs. Expand your training programs by implementing all ten of the major human movement patterns.
Personal trainersProgram designMovement PatternGeneral PopulationFitnessProgramming