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(56 found)

Establishing Confidence and Buy-In Into – A New Performance Program in Non-Traditional Settings

March 29, 2024

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This article is a personal perspective that focuses on methods that can be used to establish confidence in the performance program in non-traditional environments.

Coaches Program design Professional Development Buy-In Success Programming Confidence Leadership

Is Athlete “Buy-In” All that it is Cracked up To Be? An Analysis of Strength and Conditioning Coach Talk Discourse

August 13, 2018

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Learn about a framework for analyzing how knowledge is created through “coach talk discourses,” and how those discourses guide coaches’ thoughts, feelings, and practices. This article critiques the coach talk discourse of “buy-in” in order to provide strength and conditioning coaches with other ways to think about and understand coaching.

Coaches Exercise Science Organization and Administration Athlete Buy In Strength and Conditioning Coach Creating Buy In

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 25: Steve Hess


Steve Hess, Chief Performance Officer at Panorama Orthopedics and Spine Center, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about creating buy-in with sport coaches and athletes, becoming one of the first National Basketball Association (NBA) strength and conditioning coaches, and staying current in an ever-changing field.

Coaches Professional Development

Simplicity is Key—Strategies for Improving your Coaching and Communication

September 17, 2018

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Establishing a relationship and communicating with your clients in simplified terms that they can understand is a critical aspect of the training process. If you are not taking the time to do this, start now, and it will make the whole experience better for everyone involved.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Communication Personal Trainer Client Interaction Coaching Cues

Ways to Structure a High School Strength and Conditioning Position


There are five ways that a strength and conditioning position is typically structured in a high school. Each position structure has its own pros and cons that should be evaluated for your specific situation.

The Sales Presentation—An In-Depth Look and Building a Customized System for Success

December 31, 2018


Beyond the programming, exercise technique, and human physiology, it is also important to create a customized system for sales success. Re-framing the purpose of the sales presentation in the proper light and creating a customized system that will allow a fitness professional to sell their services with integrity can allow them to help more clients.

Personal trainers Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Training Business Sales Sales Presentation

Building Buy-In for Army Tactical Training at the Brigade Level

August 12, 2022

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This article gives a firsthand account of working in a few of the United States Army’s earlier human performance and injury reduction programs as a strength coach and active-duty physical therapist.

TSAC Facilitators Professional Development H2F Tactical Facilitator THOR3 Dietician Buy-In Mentorship

Integrating Safer Tackling Cues in the Weight Room

April 1, 2014

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Integrating weight room cues that are more consistent with those used to reinforce safer tackling techniques on the field may help with athlete retention and buy-in, and prevent potential confusion.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Safety coaching cues safe tackling football strength and conditioning weight training

Is Now the Right Time to Start Your Own Fitness Studio or Gym? From Personal Perspective

July 1, 2014

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For anyone who is considering starting their own fitness business, there are a few questions that should be considered. For example, why is the studio market booming? Is it the right time for you to make the leap? To answer these questions, there are several considerations that might help in this decision-making process.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration how to become a personal trainer NSCA-CPT personal training business fitness studio personal training

Injury Prevention and Proper Movement—Anecdotal Evidence to Help Tactical Athletes Perform at their Best

January 1, 2014

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Chronic fatigue, stress, sleep deprivation, unhealthy diets, and pain can be commonplace in most departments. The tactical facilitator should try to keep their action plans simple and achievable to help prevent injuries and optimize performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Safety training for tactical athletes TSAC tactical strength and conditioning

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