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(338 found)

Integration of Endurance Resistance Training

May 1, 2017


When integrating resistance training, endurance athletes must ensure that the sessions or workouts are sequenced in the context of the overall workload. Giving careful thought to these factors when designing the training plan will increase the chances of success.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design endurance training strength training weight training

Resistance Training’s Effect on Endurance Performance

May 1, 2017


Research shows that the appropriate integration of resistance training into the endurance athlete’s training can result in significantly better performance when compared to classic endurance training plans that focus only on aerobic endurance.

Coaches Exercise Science training for runners weight training strength training sport performance training Endurance training

Lactate Threshold and Maximal Exercise Performance

August 13, 2018


Scientific research has identified lactate threshold (LT) and maximal exercise performance as being very important contributors to endurance performance. A well-designed endurance training program can lead to improvement in both LT and maximal exercise performance within a single season and from season to season.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Endurance Developing Endurance Lactate Threshold

Design of Endurance Resistance Training

February 2, 2024


This excerpt briefly explains the steps to create a resistance training plan for endurance athletes.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Endurance Resistance Training Mesocycles Microcycles

Strength Training and Endurance Athletes

March 26, 2012


Matt Rhea, PhD, CSCS,*D, speaks at the 2013 Personal Trainers Conference on strength training for endurance athletes.

Personal trainers Program design Endurance Athlete Strength Training Strength Training Endurance Athletes

Strength Training and Endurance Athletes

November 1, 2014

Article Members Only

High-intensity strength training paired with explosive, high-velocity movements is suggested to enhance endurance performance. It is recommended that a practical approach be taken when implementing this model of strength training, which would involve a thorough preparatory period.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength training weight training strength training for endurance endurance training concurrent training

Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies

June 1, 2017


Various aspects of resistance training, such as specific exercises chosen, workout structure, resistance used, volume (repetitions and sets), rest intervals between sets, and training frequency, can be manipulated to mold the strength training program to best meet an endurance athlete’s goals.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select Aerobic endurance endurance training aerobic training

Polarized Endurance Training (PET) for Cardiovascular Endurance Optimization

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

There is growing evidence that polarized endurance training is a promising method for optimizing a tactical athlete’s cardiovascular system, preparing for physical performance tests, allowing for a more full recovery during deployment, and allowing for safer return to duty after injury or deployment.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science TSAC Report Endurance cardiovascular fitness tsac-f tactical strength and conditioning

Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies

May 1, 2017


Various aspects of resistance training, such as specific exercises chosen, workout structure, resistance used, volume (repetitions and sets), rest intervals between sets, and training frequency, can be manipulated to mold the strength training program to best meet an endurance athlete’s goals.

Coaches Program design coaching attentional styles attentional focus sport psychology strength and conditioning

A Strength and Conditioning Framework for the Marathon Des Sables (Ultra-Endurance Event)

July 1, 2013

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Ultra-endurance performance is likely determined by quality of physical preparation, effective nutritional management, ability to cope with the environmental stressors, psychological resilience, and recovery capacity.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design long distance running Marathon Des Sables ultra marathon marathon training Ultraendurance training

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