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(82 found)

Fueling with a Purpose—Prevention and Treatment of Relative Eating Disorder in Male and Female Athletes

July 1, 2014

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As the prevalence of disordered eating in sport continues to increase, sports dietitians and all medical personnel must learn to identify it properly and follow evidence-based practice, including sound judgment, when treating athletes with these issues.

Coaches Nutrition Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease female athlete triad diet eating disorders sports dietitian sport nutrition

Shift-Based Program Scheduling for Firefighters

April 1, 2016


There is no argument that periodization is successful, and that different models can be applied with success in different fashions. The question of how shift work really affects a periodized program—more specifically firefighter shift work—is less clear.

TSAC Facilitators Program design shift work periodization fitness for firefighters tactical strength and conditioning firefighters TSAC

High-Protein Diets

May 1, 2017


Diets moderately higher in protein and slightly lower in carbohydrate may be beneficial when it comes to weight loss and improving body composition, as well as for sport performance.

Coaches Nutrition Low carb high protein diet low carb diet high protein diet protein sources weight gain how to gain muscle how to lose fat how to build muscle how to gain mass protein shakes protein bars protein supplements supplemental protein

Case Study: Should your high school have a CSCS on staff?


High school administrator discusses the considerations for athletes, non-athletes, faculty and the school budget.

Microdosing and the Tactical Athlete – Considerations and Opportunities for Time-Critical Performance

December 16, 2022

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This article explains the potential benefits of microdosing training with tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Microdosing Resistance Training

A Coach and Trainer’s Challenge – Individual Variables in Health, Fitness, and Nutrition

March 11, 2019


There are many factors, both personal and environmental, that play a role in the success of a training and diet program for an individual client. This article looks at the factors to be aware of and some solutions to finding the best fit program for an individual client.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Health Fitness Nutrition Client Success

Understanding Inter-Individual Responses to Exercise

December 11, 2020

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This article briefly describes how individuals can have the same training program, but have large fluctuations in the adaptation responses due to genetic and life style factors.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Adaptations Genetics Personal Trainer Biological Factors

Resistance Exercise Preserves Physical Function of Older Adults—Implications for Strength and Conditioning Professionals

October 15, 2018

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Older adults who desire to remain physically active at work, recreation, or sport can improve muscular strength, physical performance, and injury prevention if engaged in a properly designed resistance exercise program. The programming considerations presented herein may serve as a useful reference for strength and conditioning professionals working closely with active older adults.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Older Adults Training older population Resistance Training

What Types of Fitness Training do Firefighters Actually Need? Models to Adapt Training Preference

April 1, 2016

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Military and law enforcement needs analyses are not specifically matched to firefighting, but those training styles are better than basic fitness regimens or no regimen at all. For firefighters who are attracted to other styles of training not specific to firefighting, there are ways to train for all the demands of firefighting without making the firefighter use training modalities that they dislike or are not comfortable using.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design firefighter training tactical strength and conditioning TSAC-F TSAC firefighters

Creatine Supplementation for Athletes

November 15, 2019

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The purpose of this article is to discuss creatine supplementation for athletes by addressing supplementation for athletic performance, recovery, cognition, brain function, safety, contraindications, and other special considerations.

Coaches Nutrition Creatine Supplementation Sports Nutrition Glycogen ATP PCr Creatine

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