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(820 found)

Implications for Training in Youth: Is Specialization Benefiting Kids?

May 1, 2017


Early sports specialization has been a controversial topic in the field of sports medicine, training, and conditioning. Recent studies report increased sports-related injuries in single-sport specialized athletes compared with multisport specialized athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Sports specialization youth training youth strength training infographics

Periodization and Programming for Strength Power Sports

January 30, 2012


Respected strength coaches Mike Stone and Meg Stone spoke about periodization and programming for strength power sports at the 2012 NSCA Coaches Conference.

Coaches Program design Programming Strength and Conditioning Periodization Strength and Power Athlete 2012-Coaches-Conference

The Use of Velocity-Based Training in Sports

February 9, 2014


In this lecture from the NSCA's 2014 Coaches Conference, Dr. Bryan Mann addresses velocity-based training (VBT) in sports. Dr. Mann defines VBT as "the use of various devices that measure displacement and time" as he describes each device and its ability.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design velocity based training VBT Bryan Mann Strength and Conditioning Sports Performance

Sprinting in Field and Court Sports

May 1, 2017


Athletes in field and court sports require reactive agility—they must accelerate, decelerate, and change direction in a constantly changing environment. These requirements result in technical differences between sprinting in a field or court sport and sprinting the 100-m.

Coaches Exercise Technique speed development sprinting sprinting for soccer sprinting intervals sprinting for basketball

SCJ 46.1 Selection of Key Performance Indicators for Your Sport and Program: Proposing a Complementary Process- Driven Approach

Quiz CATD 0.2

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are commonplace in business and sport. They offer an objective means to link data and processes with performance outcomes. Yet, their application in sports performance, particularly team sports, is not without issue. Here, we review 4 key issues relating to KPI application in team sports; lack of a universal definition, complexity of performance, drifting from on-field performance goals with off-field targets, and agency issues across different key stakeholders. With these issues relating to sports performance KPIs in mind, we propose a complementary approach to help practitioners focus on implementing the conditions that create performance environments and opportunities for success in a complex sporting environment. Ongoing process trackers (OPTs) are quantifiable measures of the execution of behaviors and processes that create the environments, cultures, and conditions for successful performance outcomes. This approach equips sports science practitioners with key questions they can ask themselves and their team when starting to select and use OPTs in their program.

Inside Spartan Performance: A Holistic, Integrated Approach to Developing Youth Sports Performance

July 31, 2017

Video Members Only

In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 National Conference, Joe Eisenmann explains how to identify the components of an integrated holistic youth sports performance program and takes a look at the unique challenges of training the youth athlete.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Youth Athletes Spartan Performance Long Term Athletic Development LTAD youth sports performance

Early Sport Specialization Versus Diversification in Youth Athletes

December 1, 2013


The purpose of this article is to discuss the different opinions regarding the validity of early sport specialization as opposed to diversification, specifically the effect these two methods have on injuries, motor development, skill acquisition, and social and psychological aspects.

Coaches Program design Personal Trainers long-term athletic development Youth training guidelines NSCA Coach

Coaches’ Guide to Sports Burnout

February 2, 2024

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to provide clarity and give an overview of sports burnout as it pertains to both athletes and coaches.

Coaches Exercise Science Sports Burnout Support Exhaustion Communication

Bridging the Gap between Traditional Strength Training and Sports Science

December 22, 2021


From the 2021 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Assistant Athletic Director for Loyola Marymount University and Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Sparks Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) team, Kelly Dormandy, discusses how wearable sports technology can help coaches make more informed decisions for programming and training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development GPS Heart Rate Variability Training Intensities Speed Zones Training Loads

Performance through Durability: Integrating Strength and Conditioning in a Sports Performance Department

January 30, 2016


The ability of strength and conditioning professionals to bridge the gap between sports medicine and coaching is the focus of this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference. Coach Ted Perlak explains why coaches should take into account the “why” and the “how” more so than the “what.”

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development strength coach strength and conditioning technique exercise selection

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