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(819 found)

Rebel Sport: Integrating Strength and Conditioning into Non-Traditional, Freestyle Sports

July 24, 2017

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Learn how to evaluate the performance model of non-traditional, freestyle sports, and subsequently design the preparation framework that will positively influence performance. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 National Conference, Jeremy Sheppard explains how to provide an effective training environment that is embraced by the athletes, as well as the mindset of athletes who are rule makers and rule breakers, not rule followers.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Strength and Conditioning Non-Traditional Sports Freestyle Sports Strength and Conditioning Programming

The Perception and Progression of the Female Athlete

June 1, 2017


Female athletes in the United States have made great progress in sports since Title IX was enacted in 1972. Despite the progress they have made, female athletes have yet to gain full recognition for their athleticism and their achievements. The purpose of this article is to break down the stigma female athletes have received over the years and shine light on the differences that make female athletes a reward to train.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration NSCA Coach female athletes strength and conditioning Title IX hs-coaching

Sports Concussion: The Role of Neck Strength and Risk Reduction

February 3, 2015

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Despite an incidence of approximately 3.8 million sports-related concussions per year, prevention of this injury remains quite challenging. Neck strengthening may limit transmitted forces to the head and mitigate trauma to the brain. In this session from the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference, Tad Seifert reviews current evidence-based data in neck strength and its association with concussions.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Safety neuroscience recovery Safety Concussion Neck Strength Risk Reduction

Opportunities and Challenges in the Current Nutrition Landscape of Collegiate and Professional Football

April 15, 2019

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Nutrition plays a crucial role in athletic performance. The purpose of this article is to discuss the landscape of nutrition in collegiate and professional football. It will address the following areas: 1) the current landscape, 2) current practices, 3) opportunities, and 4) challenges faced in collegiate and professional football.

Coaches Nutrition Football Sports Performance Sports Nutrition Nutrition

The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best-Practices Recommendations

May 30, 2014


This consensus statement provides specific conditioning recommendations with the intent of ending conditioning-related morbidity and deaths of secondary school athletes. Most deaths in sports are preventable; our charge is to meet this expectation.

Coaches Safety Emergency Procedures high school athletics sudden death safety concerns exertional heat stroke sudden cardiac arrest exertional sickling hs-coaching

Creating a High Performance Model in U.S. Elite Sport

February 2, 2016

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In this session from the 2016 NSCA Coaches Conference, the Sports Science and Performance Manager for the Seattle Sounders Major League Soccer (MLS) team, David Tenney, discusses the “high performance model” in the American elite sports environment. Tenney delves into how this model impacts hierarchy and daily decision making, as well as the obstructions that many organizations face, how this model can help to drive decision making and optimize training strategies, and the different strategies that can help make this happen.

Coaches Program design Professional Development conditioning Mark Kovacs program design multi-sport athlete sports conditioning power strength

Special Training Considerations for Strength, Specificity, and Energy Systems for Year-Long Planning

February 2, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference, Cal Dietz, MS, presents the best applications in training of several sports that can be applied to most sports at various times of the year. The systematic approaches and the reasoning behind the step-by-step approach to block training, and the application of specific needs in the sport and energy system training also are covered.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning Strength Training Energy Systems Block Training Cal Dietz

Food or Supplement? Understanding the Cost–to–Benefit Risks for Athletes

July 1, 2016


Athletes are highly vulnerable to pervasive supplement marketing and are largely unaware of how real, whole–food solutions stack up to some of the most popular supplements on the market. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference, sports dietitian Lara Gray presents a variety of nutrient profile comparisons between top–selling sports supplements and whole–food options that can alternatively provide sustainable, cost–effective solutions to common training goals.

Coaches Nutrition Phil Kaplan chronic disease

Anatomical Core – Neural Integration

June 1, 2017


Isolated muscle training methods do not necessarily transfer to better sports performance, because technique as well as strength contributes to successful performance. Resistance training for dynamic sports must involve ground-based movements that incorporate the coordinated stabilizing and dynamic functions of multiple muscles.

Coaches Exercise Science core training kinetic select nervous system strength and conditioning

Movement Analysis and Biomechanics for Endurance Sports

May 1, 2017


Endurance sports are typically not thought of as highly technical endeavors, but proper movement during training and competition for endurance sports can affect both performance and health.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Movement analysis gait analysis sports performance analysis muscular endurance exercises marathon running

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