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(94 found)

Youth Performance and Fitness—Strength and Conditioning Information for Parents

March 1, 2013


Strength and conditioning professionals who incorporate a properly designed and supervised training program can help their young athletes train, compete, and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design youth athlete training youth strength training youth training guidelines

Periodization Approach Utilizing Progressive Overload Method for Physical Training Program in ROTC Cadets

August 1, 2017

Article Members Only

The Physical Readiness Training Manual includes many exercises intended to keep military personnel in optimal physical condition while staying at a low risk to injury. Additionally, the application of progressive overload may be beneficial to periodization programming in ROTC cadet preparation for the Army Physical Fitness Test.

TSAC Facilitators Program design periodization TSAC-F TSAC ROTC progressive overload


September 23, 2019


This excerpt from NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition briefly analyzes some of the research behind creatine and its application to sport performance.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Nutrition Creatine Sport Supplement Resistance Training Lean Body Mass

Assessing Speed and Agility Related to Sport Performance

May 1, 2017


This article presents information about assessing speed and agility in a controlled environment with a test that is similar to the actual demands of a specific sport.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation performance test agility test speed testing assessment

Skill-Based Key Performance Indicators

November 3, 2023


This brief excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science discusses skill-based key performance indicators (KPIs).

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Key Performance Indicators Gymnastics Fencing Biomechanical

Quantifying Training and Competition Load

August 6, 2021


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science highlights the importance of quantifying training load for both programming and monitoring an athlete’s progression or regression over time.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Training Load Player Load RPE GPS

The ABCs of Long-Term Athletic Development

March 6, 2018


For emerging athletes to move properly and develop athletic skills, they must first develop proficiency in fundamental motor skills. The ABCs of athleticism, therefore, must reflect the development of fundamental motor skills first, and specific athletic skills second.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD motor skills development long-term athletic development hs-coaching

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