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(149 found)

Military Research—Recent Insights and Implications

August 1, 2015

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Recent advances in research and human performance programs (HPP) has made it possible to learn more about the tactical athlete while creating enhanced methodologies and implementation. This review draws on the past three years of research focusing on strength and conditioning within military communities, exploring the current themes of research and the implications of future studies.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design strength training HPP human performance programs tactical strength and conditioning TSAC

Tests Based on Work Demands and Training Status

June 1, 2017


Fitness testing uses a battery of protocols recognized by the scientific community as both reliable and valid, and it measures important fitness constructs such as aerobic endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, agility, flexibility, and balance.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select fitness testing fitness assessments tactical strength and conditioning

Program Design for Soldiers

March 7, 2018

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Unfortunately for many soldiers, running, pushups, and sit-ups address endurance, but do little to train mobility and strength. To meet the demands of their work and help avoid overuse injuries, a training program for soldiers should include mobility, strength, and endurance components.

TSAC Facilitators Program design soldiers tactical strength and conditioning TSAC

The Woman Warrior—Training Considerations for Women Entering Elite Combat School

April 1, 2016

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Several obstacles can derail women from reaching or succeeding in the elite combat schools and will need to be mediated. The main obstacles this article focuses on are the current standard fitness requirements for attending an advanced combat school, the high absolute strength and power demands required by these combat schools, and the unique physiology of women compared to men.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design tactical athlete military athlete tactical strength and conditioning TSAC combat schools

Tactical Facilitators in Firefighting

July 31, 2014

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John Hofman speaks at the 2014 NSCA National Conference about being a tactical facilitator in firefighting.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development Tactical Strength and Conditioning TSAC Firefighter training Firefighter Tactical Demands

Needs Analysis for a Tactical Athlete

March 25, 2019


Learn the basics of conducting a needs analysis for tactical athletes based on the athlete’s goals and desired outcomes, assessments, limitations on workout frequency and duration, equipment availability, health and injury status, and occupational physiological demands.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Tactical Needs Analysis TSAC-F

TSAC Research Review, Issue 38.3

April 1, 2014

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This research review covers topics such as the effects of police officer equipment loads, military occupational specialties, and the effects of protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighters.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design mobility injury risk factors protective clothing aerobic capacity Equipment loads

The Fighter Pilot – A 21st Century Tactical Athlete

November 12, 2021

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Between the physiological, cognitive, and tactical skill demands, this article explains why fighter pilots should be considered tactical athletes and have access to resources like a professional sport athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Fighter Pilot Tactical Athlete G-Forces Cognitive Training

TSAC Report - First Responder Column

July 26, 2024

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This column reviews recent literature that investigated the appropriateness of a commonly utilized on-duty exercise training modality for firefighters and describes the occupational demands of specialist tactical police officers.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Firefighter Special Tactical Police Officer High-Intensity Resistance Training Heart Rate

Attentional Focus as a Resource to Optimize Tactical Personnel Training and Performance

June 19, 2020

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To address and combat neurocognitive decline in tactical personnel, this article will detail the mechanistic underpinnings of, and describe how to apply, attention regulation strategies to facilitate greater skill acquisition, retention, and performance transfer.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Cognitive Function Skill Acquisition Motor Control TSAC-F

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