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(261 found)

Positive Youth Development through Strength and Conditioning

February 4, 2019

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In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 Coaches Conference, Maura Bergan explores how strength and conditioning and the weight room can help educate young individuals in more areas than just athletic development, and how it can foster and create many positive life lessons.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development Youth Training Youth Development Strength and Conditioning LTAD hs-coaching

Why Strength and Conditioning Coaches Should Take Play Seriously

March 13, 2018

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Athletic performance can be enhanced through the use of implementing various unstructured, semi-structured, and structured play from the 12 types of play. These can be performed in the weight room, at a sports practice, or even at home.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD youth training play

Long-Term Athletic Development Position Statement


Given the growing interest surrounding youth strength and conditioning, the NSCA recently engaged a group of leading experts to author a position statement on long-term athletic development. The document proposes ten key pillars of successful long-term athletic development that practitioners should adhere to in order to enhance performance, promote health and well-being, and minimize the risk of sport- or physical activity-related injury.

Windows of Optimal Trainability

April 1, 2016

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The “five Ss” of trainability and performance are critical periods of development that all youth strength and conditioning coaches should consider when creating a training program. Coaches should take advantage of each window to maximize a youth athlete’s potential and help ensure a long athletic career.

Coaches Program design LTAD youth training guidelines youth athletic training

Maximal Sprint Performance in Male Youth: Predicting Factors, Training Stimuli, and Performance Outcomes

May 1, 2017


Learn about the anthropometric, kinematic, kinetic, and asymmetric variables that contribute to sprint performance, as well as how a coach can design effective speed development programs for male youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science speed development youth training youth athletes sprint performance infographics

A Closer Look at the 10 Pillars of LTAD: The Programming Pillars of LTAD for Strength and Conditioning Professionals – Part 1

January 7, 2022

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This article describes the long-term athletic development programming pillars and suggests practical applications for strength and conditioning practitioners.

Coaches Program design Professional Development LTAD Youth Athletes Wellbeing Technical Competency

NSCA Position Statement on Long-Term Athletic Development

June 1, 2017


The official position statement of the NSCA on long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design LTAD long-term athletic development youth training youth sports physical literacy youth physical development

High School Coaches’ Resources


High school coaching is a rapidly-growing area of strength and conditioning, and can be an exciting career choice for strength and conditioning professionals who want to have a lifelong positive impact on young people.

USA Football – American Development Model (LTAD)

August 19, 2019

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USA Football's senior manager of education and training, Andrew Ryland, discusses the long-term athletic development (LTAD) model and its growth and application in the United States, as well as the breakdown of what it looks like for youth football players, in this session from the NSCA’s 2019 Coaches Conference.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Professional Development Football Youth Development Long-Term Athletic Development ADM Motor Skills LTAD American Development Model hs-coaching

From Flag to Friday Night—Long-Term Athlete Development in Youth American Football

February 11, 2019


Approximately 2 million youth from 6 - 12 years of age participate in football every year. This article discusses the importance of long-term athletic development (LTAD) for youth football athletes and the significance of a player development pathway for long-term success and longevity in the sport.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration hs-coaching LTAD Long Term Athletic Development Youth Football

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