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(241 found)

Exam Preparation


The NSCA certification exams are based on the analysis of tasks needed to be competent in a specified job or role. The exams measure a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) compared to a predetermined level of competence. It is not a test that recalls information from a textbook like a college course. Before you start preparing ensure you have chosen the right certification for you.

Becoming a Special Populations Personal Trainer

June 1, 2017


In this career series article, developing personal training skills to train special populations is discussed; it includes starting out as a novice through the expert level.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Professional Development Career Conference Special Populations CSPS Personal Training healthcare

The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines—Part 2: The Solution

March 1, 2015

Article Members Only

This article provides a proposed holistic solution to increase functional, quality movement among Marines, thereby increasing physical performance, reducing injuries, and developing more effective warfighters.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design USMC injury prevention performance testing

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 1

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Just as any decent coach would not have a client perform a heavy deadlift without first conducting a fitness or movement assessment, a potential facility owner should not move forward without assessing the state of their current business. This article explains three steps for conducting an assessment.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ fitness facility business assessment conducting an audit personal training

Monitoring Fatigue from A to Z

February 2, 2015


All stressors affect training, Dr. Bryan Mann says in this lecture from Coaches Conference 2015. No matter the source of the stress - strength training, conditioning, classes, relationship or family - stress is systemic within the body. As a result, it is critical to monitor the stress load on your athletes to ensure maximal results, and it's easy to do - all you need is a pencil and paper.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design transverse plane power production exercise assessment movement assessment

Incorporating Training Load Monitoring into Fitness Programming: A Review of Practical Tools for Fitness Providers

October 8, 2018

Article Members Only

In recent years, performance and prevention strategies have grown to include monitoring training load (TL) to understand fatigue and the potential effects of fatigue on training adaptation and performance.

Personal trainers Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment Training Load Monitoring Heart Rate Monitoring HRV

Client Consultation

May 1, 2017


During the initial interview, the personal trainer and client assess compatibility, develop goals, and establish a client-trainer agreement.

Personal trainers Program design Personal training Personal training certification personal training client consultation how to become a personal trainer personal trainer client consult fitness assessment

Stability and the Squat: Front-Loaded versus Back-Loaded Squatting—Part 4

June 1, 2017


Squatting may be commonplace in the weight room, but proper execution of this great exercise is difficult. Strength and conditioning coaches will need to properly select exercises and cue their athletes in a way that not only allows for a proper stabilizing strategy to occur, but promotes it.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique NSCA Coach squat front squat back squat

Skill-Based Key Performance Indicators

November 3, 2023


This brief excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science discusses skill-based key performance indicators (KPIs).

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Key Performance Indicators Gymnastics Fencing Biomechanical

Choosing the Right Certification


The steps on this page will help you select the right certification that fits your career goals.

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