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(186 found)

Fish Oil Supplementation and Age-Related Decrements in Muscle Mass and Function

March 1, 2013

Article Members Only

Emerging evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may play a beneficial role in preservation of, and increases in, skeletal muscle mass. This is of particular relevance to the elderly who display age-related declines in muscle mass and function.

Personal trainers Nutrition sports nutrition omega-3 fatty acids

Kinematic and Kinetic Chains

June 1, 2017


The importance of recognizing a closed-chain activity lies in the fact that the motions of multiple joints are coupled. Weakness at any one joint will consequently limit performance of the entire movement.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design kinematic chain kinetic chain strength and conditioning

Safe Progression for Balance Exercises

May 1, 2017


A major concern with balance and joint-stabilization exercises is to avoid potentially dangerous movements that depend on the preparedness of the athlete or patient and on the state of the healing tissue. Learn about progressions that minimize risk to the athlete or patient.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design balance exercises joint-stabilization exercises strength and conditioning injury avoidance prehabilitation

Integrating Mental and Physical Strength and Conditioning for the Tactical Athlete: What the Research Says

May 1, 2016

Article Members Only

The path to actual integration of mental and physical training for the tactical athlete is paved with growing empiricism. The current challenge is to sustain creative development of functional approaches and demonstrate that integration can deliver potential benefits.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design training resiliency mental strength training for tactical athletes tactical strength and conditioning

Normalizing Fitness Data

May 1, 2017


Field tests have become popular in applied exercise science and sport performance enhancement programs because of their simplicity and ability to generalize results. However, numerous confounding factors may influence the validity of test data from such evaluations.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation sport performance training fitness training fitness tests fitness testing

Building Strength in the Fire Academy—Sample Training Program from Personal Perspective

April 1, 2016

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Through a well-designed resistance training program, firefighter recruits can gain the movement skills, confidence to exercise, and foundational strength/physiological adaptations that they need for a long and healthy career.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Resistance Training TSAC Fire Academy Firefighters

Client Assessments – Movement Assessment

December 20, 2019

Article Members Only

This article builds upon two other client assessment tools (breathing and posture, as seen in Personal Training Quarterly Issues 5.3 and 6.1, respectively) and discusses ways to assess client movement.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment FMS Movement Patterns Trunk Stability

Resistance Training for Older Adults


The benefits of resistance training are almost overwhelming, however, too few older adults participate in resistance training, largely because of fear, confusion, and lack of consensus to guide implementation. It is the hope that this position statement may have a positive impact addressing these issues and on empowering healthier aging.

Fall Prevention Program Recommendations for an Aging Population

August 5, 2022


This article will discuss the role of strength training, stretching, and functional mobility exercises in reducing falls in older adults and provide a guide for creating a program.

Personal trainers Program design Older Adult Fall Prevention Balance Flexibility


Abstract submissions are open yearly from November to March (exact dates change annually). See the Abstract Submission and Presentation Guidelines for more information (below). Research abstract presentations are an opportunity to present current research findings to researchers and strength and conditioning professionals at the NSCA National Conference.

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