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(109 found)

Program Design Considerations for Optimal Strength and Hypertrophy of the Glute Muscles

April 5, 2024


This article provides eight important considerations when designing a program to optimally build the glutes.

Personal trainers Program design Strength Hypertrophy Program Design Glutes

Home Training Methods: Improving Strength, Power and Hypertrophy Performance Attributes with Limited Equipment

May 28, 2021

Article Members Only

This article, tailored to individuals who do not have access to traditional equipment, will explore the exercise methods that less-impacted populations utilize during the shutdowns, and examine how those training effects can benefit strength-, power-, and hypertrophy-minded athletes.

Personal trainers Program design Aerobic Training High-Intensity Interval Training Lighter-Load Training Mind/Body Training

Resistance Training Frequency: How Often Should you Train to Maximize Strength and Hypertrophy?

May 27, 2019


In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 Personal Trainers Conference, Brad Schoenfeld talks about integrating science into training programs to optimize an individual’s genetic potential to see the best results from training.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Strength Training Hypertrophy Muscle Building

A Guide to Muscle Protein Synthesis for the Physique Athlete and Coach

March 3, 2023

Article Members Only

This article discusses the balance between muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB) to help individuals better achieve their goals in muscle hypertrophy.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Hypertrophy Protein Synthesis Physique Athlete

Does Training to Failure Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy?

March 27, 2020


This infographic discusses factors to consider when training to muscle failure.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Infographics Hypertrophy Recovery Frequency

Muscle Growth

June 19, 2020


This article briefly explains the two principles necessary for muscle growth.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Muscle Size Resistance Training Dietary Patterns

Preparatory Period

September 4, 2020


This excerpt from the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning outlines what training typically looks like in the preparatory period, or off-season.

Coaches Program design Preparatory Period Off-Season Hypertrophy Strength Endurance Basic Strength

Muscle Damage and Hypertrophy: The More, the Better?

June 1, 2017


There is a sound theoretical rationale supporting a potential role for muscle damages in the hypertrophic response, but a cause-effect relationship directly linking these gains to muscle damage is yet to be established. If such a relationship does in fact exist, it is not clear as to what extent of damage is optimal for inducing maximum muscle growth.

Coaches Exercise Science infographics hypertrophy

Exercise Programming in a Police Academy – Sample Program and Logistical Considerations

September 29, 2023


This article provides an overview of a resistance training program for tactical strength and conditioning facilitators in large law enforcement academy settings.

TSAC Facilitators Program design

Unbalanced Load Training for Athletic Performance

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

Integrating unbalanced load training into a strength or hypertrophy phase, or any workout program, can add a tremendous amount of demand on the lateral aspects of the core to help the athlete develop a strong core. Using unbalanced load training may help produce increases in athleticism, balance, and motor coordination without sacrificing strength or explosiveness.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design unbalanced load training strength training weight training

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