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(325 found)

Training Clients with Shoulder Injury – Modifications and Considerations

October 13, 2020

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This article sheds some knowledge on shoulder exercise modifications and progressions that can help reduce the risk of re-injury and maximize performance for clients.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Exercise Technique Program design Shoulder Scapula Shoulder Anatomy Range of Motion

Sports Concussion: The Role of Neck Strength and Risk Reduction

February 3, 2015

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Despite an incidence of approximately 3.8 million sports-related concussions per year, prevention of this injury remains quite challenging. Neck strengthening may limit transmitted forces to the head and mitigate trauma to the brain. In this session from the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference, Tad Seifert reviews current evidence-based data in neck strength and its association with concussions.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Safety neuroscience recovery Safety Concussion Neck Strength Risk Reduction

Avoiding Liability as a Fitness Professional

January 1, 2016

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Unfortunately, injuries do occur during exercise, and the legal implications that follow them can be quite significant. Taking small, reasonable precautions at the onset of a new personal trainer-client relationship can stave off significant problems down the road.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Legal Issues how to be a personal trainer personal training legal ability liability

Common Injuries in Ice Hockey – Strength and Conditioning Considerations

October 6, 2023


This article will focus on three common areas of injuries that occur with ice hockey players and some recommended strategies for the strength and conditioning professional.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Ice Hockey Acromioclavicular Joint Adductor Strain Mobility Medial Collateral Ligament

TSAC Report 49 Research Review

October 1, 2018

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This article is the 12th in a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science TSAC Firefighters Police Academy Tactical Athlete

Potentiation Warm-Ups for Lifting at the High School Level and Beyond

July 29, 2019


World renowned powerlifter, Matt Wenning, addresses the topic of warm-ups during the 2019 Coaches Conference. Wenning discusses a unique warm-up strategy that coaches can utilize to address athletes’ weak points and reduce the risk of injury through potentiation, pre-fatiguing muscles, and variety in exercise selection.

Coaches Program design Movement Patterns Potentiation Activation Warm-Up Work Capacity hs-coaching

Potential for Using the Reactive Strength Index (Rsi) to Decrease Injury Risk and Improve Operational Performance in UK Firefighters

November 22, 2024

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This article provides considerations for preparing firefighters for the physical and psychological demands of their job, including pre-operational work specific training during their rest times.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Safety Professional Development First Responders Firefighters Mental Health Occupational Stress LEO's LEO's Physical Fitness LEO's LEO's Tactical Facilitators

Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 2 – Strength Training for Performance

June 12, 2020

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This article is the second of a series of articles on strength training practices for rowing and seeks to provide information on periodization strategies for rowers of different competitive levels and schedules, as well as include sample periodization plans and sample programs.

Coaches Program design Rowing Periodization Strength Training Stroke Motion

ACL Protocols with Deceleration Drills for High School Athletes

October 16, 2020

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From the NSCA’s 2020 Coaches Conference, Scott Schultz and Beau Smith show hands-on drills for prehabilitation of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) to reduce the risk of injury in sport. These drills include posterior chain warm-up exercises, plyometric and balance exercises, and proper landing mechanics to reinforce proper hip and knee positions.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Plyometrics Landing Mechanics Balance Deceleration hs-coaching

Active Resistance Training for the Tactical Athlete

April 30, 2016

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Learn about the various forms of active resistance training and how to create active resistance devices that are inexpensive and reduce injury risk compared to traditional log bars and kegs. In this session from the NSCA's 2016 Annual TSAC Training, Jay Dawes also discusses how to progress, regress, and program active resistance into a comprehensive strength and conditioning plan.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design TSAC-F tactical strength and conditioning active resistance training resistance training

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