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(271 found)

Awards Criteria


NSCA awards are governed by this following general criteria. Please visit the individual award's page for specific criteria.

Performance Nutrition Following an Injury—From Personal Experience

July 20, 2015


As activity levels decrease, and swelling and inflammation set in, maintaining a diet that promotes healing is essential to keeping weight under control and speeding up recovery.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition injury recovery nutrition for injury recovery weight management Trisha Stavinoha

Resistance Training Adaptations: Skeletal Changes

June 1, 2017


Bone tissue is “alive” and is a dynamic tissue that can respond to resistance training. In addition to the obvious effects of resistance training on muscle mass and strength, resistance training may lead to decreased risk for osteoporosis, fractures, and falls in later life.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select resistance training adaptations

How Social Media Affects the Legal Rights of Employees

June 4, 2016


While social media can serve as an efficient business tool, it can also complicate the legal rights of the entrepreneurs who use them. This article focuses on three specific—and perhaps surprising—ways in which social media can alter the employment rights of fitness professionals and the gyms they work for.

Personal trainers Legal Issues Professional Development NSCA-CPT personal training employment Social media

Sport Performance and Metabolic Rate

May 1, 2017


Knowledge of metabolic rate can help athletes as well as health-conscious people improve their exercise performance or obtain the fat-to-lean-mass ratio optimal for their personal situations. Two examples of how this works follow.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition metabolic rate fitness test strength and conditioning weight loss

NSCA-CPT Exam Prep Live Clinics


The NSCA offers Exam Prep Live clinics for individuals preparing for the NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) exam. The NSCA-CPT Exam Prep clinic is a 2-day event and provides a blend of classroom lecture and hands-on training.

Developing Your Simple Personal Training Marketing Plan

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

There is a formula for attracting more clients into your gym and it can work for you if you commit to following the right steps. This article will explain how to set marketing goals, create a marketing action plan to bring in new clients based on your strengths as a trainer, provide examples of how to implement your marketing plan, and discuss why tracking the success of your plan is important.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ Marketing personal training NSCA-CPT

Face Pull (Machine)

March 21, 2020


Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Exercise Technique Face Pull Cable Machine

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