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(271 found)

Correcting Misconceptions in the Knowledge of Personal Trainers

May 29, 2020

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The aim of this article is to review the research into the knowledge of personal trainers, their misconceptions, and to provide evidence-based strategies to help correct any misconceptions.

Personal trainers Professional Development Critical Thinking Personal Trainers Professional Development

Adapting to the Digital Transformation of the Fitness Industry

October 15, 2021

Article Members Only

This article presents advice on how personal trainers can step up their digital footprint and be successful in unprecedented times.

Personal trainers Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Training Clients

Technology and the Personal Trainer—Interviews from Experts in Personal Training

April 2, 2014

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As consumers embrace technology, they are also expecting that same incorporation of technology into their exercise programs. This article shares how some top trainers are meeting this need.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Personal training technology social media for personal trainers fitness technology

The Training Trap—Building Financial Freedom in an Appointment-Based Career

April 1, 2015

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The career path of a personal trainer inherently presents a certain amount of instability and unpredictability, but this does not have to last. There is no reason that personal trainers cannot make great money, afford health insurance, save for retirement, and create more freedom in their lives.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration personal trainer income how to become a personal trainer personal training

Building Strength in the Fire Academy—Sample Training Program from Personal Perspective

April 1, 2016

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Through a well-designed resistance training program, firefighter recruits can gain the movement skills, confidence to exercise, and foundational strength/physiological adaptations that they need for a long and healthy career.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Resistance Training TSAC Fire Academy Firefighters

Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise

May 22, 2020


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition briefly reviews the role of oxygen uptake in exercise.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Oxygen Deficit Energy EPOC Aerobic Anaerobic

Teaching for Skill Acquisition in Fitness – Best Practices for Fitness Pedagogy

April 16, 2021

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to present pedagogical content knowledge to personal trainers aimed to enhance client performance and satisfaction.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development Skill Acquisition Observation Feedback Fitness Pedagogy

Benefits of Exercise during Pregnancy

April 24, 2020


This excerpt briefly explains the benefits of exercise while pregnant.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Muscles Prenatal Exercise Healthy Lifestyle Habits

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