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(271 found)

The Components that Make a Trainer Successful

January 1, 2014


High standards improve the quality of professionals working within the fitness industry. This article provides steps that may help to increase income for personal trainers.

Personal trainers Professional Development Personal training career personal training personal trainer salary personal training certification how to become a personal trainer

Face Pull (Machine)

March 21, 2020


Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Exercise Technique Face Pull Cable Machine

Knee Movement and Exercise Guidelines

July 29, 2019


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training discusses the importance of education on proper running surfaces, appropriate footwear, and the benefits of cross-training in addressing overuse of the knee.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment

Purposes of Assessment

May 1, 2017


The purposes of assessment are to gather baseline data and to provide a basis for developing goals and effective exercise programs. Gathering and evaluating the various pieces of information give the personal trainer a broader perspective of the client. The process and the data collected assist the trainer in identifying potential areas of injury and reasonable starting points for recommended intensities and volumes of exercise based on the goals and fitness outcomes.

Personal trainers Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment tests and assessment exercise prescription strength training tactical athlete



NSCA-Certified Personal Trainers® (NSCA-CPT)® are health/fitness professionals who use an individualized approach to train clients for the primary goal of improving their personal health and fitness. Learn more about becoming a certified personal trainer with the NSCA's CPT certification! Visit NSCA.com for information on personal trainer jobs, personal training certifications, personal trainer insurance and continuing education as you pursue one of the best personal trainer certifications.

Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

March 11, 2019


Read a step-by-step description of how to perform the Romanian deadlift (RDL) in this excerpt from NSCA’s Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, 3rd Edition with Online Video.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique RDL Romanian Deadlift Deadlift

Leadership and Diversity Training Program

Leadership and Diversity Training Program Overview. The purpose of the NSCA Leadership and Diversity Training Program is to prepare and position students and professional members from underrepresented groups for participation in NSCA volunteer activities that will lead to increased retention, service and leadership opportunities.

Determination of Resistance Training Frequency

May 1, 2017


Factors such as the types of exercises used, the number of muscle groups trained per session, the structure of the program, and the client’s training status and overall fitness level dictate training frequency.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Training frequency how often should I lift weights resistance training strength training workout plans workout routines

Glute Ham Raise

January 18, 2020


This excerpt from the book Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, 3rd Edition, discusses the proper technique for the glute ham raise exercise.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Glute Ham Raise Exercise Technique


May 1, 2017


Understanding how the body adapts to the overload of aerobic exercise is critical to designing effective exercise training programs, monitoring exercise responses and progress, and assessing training outcomes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Overtraining overreaching how to avoid overtraining detraining overtraining syndrome

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