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(72 found)

How to Improve Ankle Dorsiflexion and Calf Strength for Better Performance

April 15, 2022

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This article highlights four non-traditional calf exercises that can immediately be used in strength programs for improving calf strength while also increasing ankle dorsiflexion mobility.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design

Developing Linemen from the Ground Up

February 18, 2019

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Linemen often do not get the same attention of the skill positions like a quarterback or wide receiver. However offensive and defensive linemen can control much of a football games tempo and outcome. This article goes over key areas to develop a well-rounded program for football linemen.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Football Linemen hs-coaching Programming for Linemen

The Red Light – Green Light System – A Simple Tool to Assess and Individualize Group Training

February 9, 2020

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This article introduces a potential solution for programming in the large group fitness setting with a wide variety of fitness levels.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Client Assessment Modifications Exercise Selection

Trainability of Neuromuscular Power in Youth

December 29, 2023


This excerpt from Developing Power discusses neuromuscular training for youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Power Neuromuscular

Building a Balanced and Symmetrical Physique – Is Regional Hypertrophy Possible?

June 3, 2022


This article provides a brief overview of literature where regional hypertrophy was reported. It also discusses the basic science and application of regional hypertrophy training.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Hypertrophy Exercise Selection Resistance Training Range of Motion Pennation Angle

Client Assessments – Movement Assessment

December 20, 2019

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This article builds upon two other client assessment tools (breathing and posture, as seen in Personal Training Quarterly Issues 5.3 and 6.1, respectively) and discusses ways to assess client movement.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment FMS Movement Patterns Trunk Stability

Practical Assessments of Power for Law Enforcement Populations

September 17, 2018

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This article consists of five assessments that could be utilized by the tactical facilitator to measure upper- , lower- , and total-body power in law enforcement officers (LEOs). Although the focus of this article is LEOs, the assessments could also be used for other tactical populations.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Assessment law enforcement officers

Progression for First Responders to Help Prevent Lifting Injuries

April 1, 2013

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This article contains a sample progression to use with high call volume fire departments to help maintain mobility while building job-specific strength and avoiding a hyper-fatigued state.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Safety safe lifting lifting injuries fitness for EMT fitness for firefighters TSAC

In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters

February 29, 2020

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This NSCA Coach article focuses on the in-season resistance training and mobility exercises designed for the 100-m sprint track and field high school athlete.

Coaches Program design Sprinting High School Athlete Program Design Vertical Jump hs-coaching

Transfer of Training for Agility

Traditional lower-body resistance exercise alone may not be an optimal means of developing agility. Further, the effectiveness of straight-sprint training on agility performance has not been well established. In contrast, jump training, including loaded jump squats and horizontal and lateral jumps, holds promise.

Coaches Program design Training for Agility Agility Lifting for Agility Program Design

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