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(11 found)

Enhancing Motor Learning with Sled Training

November 1, 2012


Sled exercises provide a training stimulus that closely mimics real-world physical demands of sports. This article provides examples of how to implement sled training into a program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design personal trainer sled workouts power sled motor skills sled drag sled push prowler sled training

The 8 Main Movement Patterns – A Programming Framework for Tactical Strength and Conditioning

July 2, 2021

Article Members Only

This article details the rationale for making the eight main movements the foundation of tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Movement Patterns Jumping Tactical Athlete Medicine Ball TSAC-F

What Types of Fitness Training do Firefighters Actually Need? Models to Adapt Training Preference

April 1, 2016

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Military and law enforcement needs analyses are not specifically matched to firefighting, but those training styles are better than basic fitness regimens or no regimen at all. For firefighters who are attracted to other styles of training not specific to firefighting, there are ways to train for all the demands of firefighting without making the firefighter use training modalities that they dislike or are not comfortable using.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design firefighter training tactical strength and conditioning TSAC-F TSAC firefighters

Implementing a Time-Efficient Occupational Training Program for Law Enforcement Personnel

March 31, 2023

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This article discusses the findings of a recent study on the effectiveness of a time-efficient occupationally-specific training program to improve performance in qualities related to physically demanding tactical tasks in law enforcement officers.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Law Enforcement Officers Musculoskeletal Injury Warm-Up Recovery

Developing Linemen from the Ground Up

February 18, 2019

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Linemen often do not get the same attention of the skill positions like a quarterback or wide receiver. However offensive and defensive linemen can control much of a football games tempo and outcome. This article goes over key areas to develop a well-rounded program for football linemen.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Football Linemen hs-coaching Programming for Linemen

TSAC Report—Military Column—July 2024

November 29, 2024

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This article compares an equipment-heavy Army Combat Fitness Test to a minimal-equipment training program and test.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Safety Professional Development

Core Strength and Functionality with Loaded Carries

July 1, 2016

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What training approaches are efficient and effective at developing functionality and resiliency at the core? The answer lies within an intelligent, systemic, multi-method approach to training the core, including an eclectic set of training tools to individualize specific needs of athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning Core training

Nicole Shattuck | The Analytical Coaching Mindset


What does a typical day look like for a sports performance coach? Nicole Shattuck shares her experience working with women’s lacrosse at Duke University, where ample resources fuel athlete outcomes. Start by examining her comprehensive approach to readiness that raises awareness for both athletes and coaches. Guided by data, Nicole uses insights to adapt workouts, manage physical and mental stress, and deepen the athlete-coach relationship. New to lacrosse? Nicole breaks down a detailed needs analysis, outlining workload management for different position groups. Plus, as the Chair of the NSCA Lacrosse Special Interest Group, Nicole provides opportunities for lacrosse professionals to connect. Follow her unique path from a background in business and the private sector to finding her calling in collegiate coaching. Driven by a desire to build a Duke University sport science department, Nicole also recently earned her Certified Performance and Sport Scientist® (CPSS®) credential and reveals how it empowers her relationships with allied health professionals. Connect with Nicole on Instagram at: @nicole_lilia or by email at: nicole.shattuck@duke.edu | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Join the NSCA Lacrosse Special Interest Group (SIG) online on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram! Plus, get together in person at the Lacrosse SIG Meeting at the 2024 NSCA National Conference in Baltimore, MD. REGISTER NOW at NSCA.com/NSCACon

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 18: Tommy Moffitt


Hear from iconic strength and conditioning coach Tommy Moffitt as he debriefs on important lessons learned over a 34-year collegiate coaching career. Moffitt shares his perspective on the importance of training weightlifting movements, with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, and how these methods became an important element of “LSU Way” over an impressive two decades at the University. Topics include the development of young coaches, advice for landing an internship, and shared challenges we face in the strength and conditioning profession. In addition, Moffitt shares a new project he is currently working, the “Moffitt Method”, a new strength and conditioning and education service founded in 2022. Reach out to Tommy on Instagram: @tommymoffitt, Twitter: @TommyMoffitt, or by email at tommymoffitt5@gmail.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

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