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(21 found)

Nutritional Strategies to Speed up Recovery from Soft Tissue Injuries

October 1, 2017

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Nutrition plays an important role in the injury prevention and treatment of tactical professionals. Nutritional goals for healthy connective tissue are twofold: increase collagen content in connective tissues susceptible to injury and prevent a decline in collagen content to help mitigate injury and facilitate recovery.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition TSAC Report tsac tsac-f recovery collagen nutrition

TSAC Report – April 2019 Research Column

October 31, 2019

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This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Respiratory Response Personal Protective Equipment Musculoskeletal Injuries Metabolism Firefighters OPAT Police Officers Air Force Special Tactics Operators

Return to Perform: Student-Athlete Assessments and Guidelines for Safe Return Back to Sports during the Period of COVID-19

November 19, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to strongly suggest and offer a pragmatic and stepwise approach that takes into account the ideas and concepts of shared decision making that allows for the “best practices,” pre-participation screenings, evaluations, and stratification flow charts for safe and effective return to play for athletes.

Coaches Program design Acclimation Health Risk Screening COVID-19 Resistance Training

TSAC Report—Military Column—July 2024

November 29, 2024

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This article compares an equipment-heavy Army Combat Fitness Test to a minimal-equipment training program and test.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Safety Professional Development

Reducing the Risk of ACL Injuries in American Football Players— Early Investment for Long-Term Gains

March 18, 2019

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Football is a high intensity collision based sport that has an inherent risk of injury in both competition and practice. The focus of ACL injuries and the development of injury prevention programs have been key in the development of youth athletes to keep them participating in sport with reduced risk of injury.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration

Specificity and the Tactical Athlete

September 30, 2022


This article discusses using the principle of specificity as an important component in tactical training programs to enhance performance, decrease injuries, and improve functional longevity of a tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Movement Sleep Nutrition Training Load Specificity

Special Episode | Investing in What’s in Front of You


Sporting nine national championship rings, Coach Andrea Hudy stands as a titan in strength and conditioning. She joins co-hosts NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager Eric McMahon and Gatorade Team Sports Manager Jon Jost to reflect on her journey, including pursuing her PhD and the impact of lifelong learning. Together, they discuss the changing collegiate landscape, now resembling a professional environment with holistic, interdisciplinary collaboration. Hudy explains how early specialization may expedite later-career injuries, inspiring her to investigate gait mechanics. Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) policies also mean a “bigger pot” for athletes, extending collaboration to agents and scheduling. They theorize collegiate athletes may face more stressors than professional athletes due to their academic schedule, training, and promotional travel — making time management and investing in longevity essential. Hudy describes her philosophy of education, motivation, and communication, built upon a foundation of honesty and healthy relationships. The trio examine the evolving strength coach skill set, including sport science elements, before offering advice for aspiring professionals. Reach out to Coach Hudy by email at andrea.hudy@uconn.edu or via social media on Instagram: @a_hudy, X/Twitter: @A_Hudy, or LinkedIn: @andrea-hudy. Connect with Jon Jost at: jonathan.jost@pepsico.com. Follow up with Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs. This special episode is brought to you in part by Gatorade Performance Partner. Learn more and join their community at GatoradePerformancePartner.com. Don’t miss your chance to get involved as an NSCA Volunteer. Applications for most positions close soon on December 15. Find your role and apply now at NSCA.com/Volunteer.

Coaches Professional Development

Applied Periodization in Shoulder Injury for the Tactical Athlete—Part 1

July 1, 2016

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An organized, science-based, and evidence-based periodized program that is guided by capable and competent professionals is the most efficient and effective way to accomplish the task of returning from a shoulder injury to full active duty. The concepts of periodization paired with evidence-based strength and conditioning interventions provides the framework needed for tactical facilitators to accomplish this task.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease tactical strength and conditioning TSAC periodization rehab shoulder injury

Transferring Physical Conditioning Principles to Practice to Enhance Performance in Tactical Personnel

July 22, 2019

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This article provides methods used by tactical facilitators, related research articles, and professional interviews to demonstrate how physical conditioning facilitates the transition from practice to duty for service members, including law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Tactical Physical Conditioning Law Enforcement Military

Kids Must Strength Train – A Call to Action

November 6, 2020

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This article discusses the impact and importance of resistance training with kids on their mental and physiological health and well-being.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Resistance Training Youth Athleticism SAID Principle Motor Development

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