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(41 found)

Philosophy in Strength and Conditioning—Clarifying Coaching and Training Philosophy

May 29, 2017

Article Members Only

Once strength and conditioning coaches have a better understanding of some of the differences between coaching and training philosophy, they can build their coaching philosophy and ensure it is a combination of both the “why” and “how.”

Coaches Program design Professional Development Coaching Philosophy Training Philosophy Strength and Conditioning Coach

A Mindful Lift – Benefits of Mindful Meditation in Strength and Conditioning – Part 2

March 5, 2021

Article Members Only

Part 2 of this article series explores the possible benefits of mindful meditation for coach development as well as how it can improve reflective practice and the coach-athlete relationship.

Coaches Professional Development Mindful Meditation Stress Management Reflection Coach-Athlete Relationship

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 107: Carmen Colomer


Carmen Colomer, Director of Sport Science for the Philadelphia 76ers National Basketball Association (NBA) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about translating numbers into actions. Topics under discussion include periodizing athlete’s recovery in the NBA and how learning to code can help with data analysis and application. Find Carmen on Twitter: @CarmenColomer1 | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 87: Kelly Dormandy


Kelly Dormandy, Assistant Athletics Director for Sports Performance at Loyola Marymount University and Head Strength Coach for the Los Angeles Sparks Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about championship culture. Topics under discussion include constantly seeking new challenges, training WNBA athletes, and being proactive about networking in the field. Find Kelly on Instagram: @kdormandy | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast – Special Episode – Behind the Scenes: NFL Combine Training and Performance in the Private Sector with Bryan McCall


In today's National Football League (NFL) world, teams are always on the lookout for the best talent. That is why strength and conditioning coaches are crucial in optimizing a prospect's value. This special episode of the NSCA Coaching Podcast features NFL Combine expert, Bryan McCall, sharing details of coaching process leading up to the event. The conversation includes co-hosts Eric McMahon, the NSCA Coaching Program Manager, and Gatorade Team Sports Manager, Jon Jost. You will hear Coach McCall credit Coach Jost as an early career mentor and emphasize the importance of mentorship for all coaches. Learn how to make a successful year-round business of strength and conditioning and advance your coaching career with an entrepreneurial mindset. You can reach Coach McCall on Instagram: @justbmac_ or Twitter: @just_BryanM | Email Jon at: | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs To learn more and join the Gatorade Performance Partner Community, visit

Coaches Professional Development

The Perception and Progression of the Female Athlete

June 1, 2017


Female athletes in the United States have made great progress in sports since Title IX was enacted in 1972. Despite the progress they have made, female athletes have yet to gain full recognition for their athleticism and their achievements. The purpose of this article is to break down the stigma female athletes have received over the years and shine light on the differences that make female athletes a reward to train.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration NSCA Coach female athletes strength and conditioning Title IX hs-coaching

Fitness Marketing Foundations—The Basics and How to Implement Them Effectively

August 26, 2019

Article Members Only

This article discusses the three primary channels of marketing, the regular actions that drive results in each, and the purpose of said actions, for personal trainers to help build a solid marketing foundation for their fitness business.

Personal trainers Professional Development Business Marketing Networking Social Media Action Plan

Improving Attribution Patterns for Strength and Conditioning Contexts

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

One challenge is to critically examine your own successes and failures to find a way to attribute the outcomes to something you can control and can change for the future. This could be as small as how you deal with a single person, or it could be a more in-depth examination of how you provide feedback to athletes and how you work with your own staff.

Coaches Exercise Science coaching sport psychology attribution

NSCA Coaching Podcast Special Episode - The Power of Mentorship with Mike Minnis and Co-Host Jon Jost


Mike Minnis, Director of Performance Nutrition and Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Philadelphia Eagles National Football League (NFL) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, and guest co-host Jon Jost, a 27-year veteran collegiate strength and conditioning coach and Gatorade’s Team Sports Manager. This Gatorade Performance Partner Special Episode, highlights “The Power of Mentorship” and the importance of building quality relationships as the foundation of meaningful mentor and mentee experiences. Find Mike on LinkedIn: Mike Minnis, Twitter: @MMinnis89, or Instagram: @MMinnis89 |Find Jon via email: | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Risk Factors Requiring Wellness Interventions

November 6, 2020


This excerpt from NSCA's Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning explains the importance of wellness programs for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Wellness Interventions Tactical Sleep Disruption Stress Nutrition

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