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(406 found)

Opening Your Own Training Facility

July 28, 2014

Video Members Only

The NSCA provides career-focused benefit videos designed to help members gain expert insight, knowledge and tips to help further their careers.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development opening your own facility fitness industry fitness business Strength and Conditioning Training Facility Clients Athletes

Considerations for Opening a Personal Training Studio or Small Gym—It All Adds Up

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

To assist future personal training entrepreneurs in preparing for the next step in their careers, this article focuses on four facility design components that every studio or small gym should address before opening the doors.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration NSCA-CPT costs to open a gym how to become a personal trainer personal training

NSCA Shipping Information


Find information about our shipping policies, international shipping and shipping rates.

Using Social Media to Build Your Business

October 28, 2013

Video Members Only

The NSCA provides career-focused benefit videos designed to help members gain expert insight, knowledge and tips to help further their careers.Mark Nutting presents, "Using Social Media to Build Your Business"

Personal trainers Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Social Media Using Social Media Building a Business Marketing Networking Fitness Industry

Considerations for Transitioning to Online Personal Training

August 13, 2021

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to provide the reader some direction and suggestions for how to make the transition to online personal training smooth and successful.

Personal trainers Program design Professional Development Online Personal Training Clients Schedule SAID Principle

The Training Trap—Building Financial Freedom in an Appointment-Based Career

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

The career path of a personal trainer inherently presents a certain amount of instability and unpredictability, but this does not have to last. There is no reason that personal trainers cannot make great money, afford health insurance, save for retirement, and create more freedom in their lives.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration personal trainer income how to become a personal trainer personal training

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 31: Liane Blyn


Liane Blyn, Director of Olympic Sports at Appalachian State University and world record holding powerlifter, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about what she tries to impart to interns to prepare them for the field, how being a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) has benefitted her as a strength coach, and advice for up-and-coming strength and conditioning coaches.

Coaches Professional Development hs-coaching

Automation Technology for Growth and Freedom

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

A constant long-term mindset of system improvement, although often time consuming at first, will pay big dividends in the long run. All of this is done with the intent of spending more time on what truly matters: making money by helping people and changing lives.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration business development personal training

Features, Benefits, and Results—How to Differentiate Yourself in a Competitive Market

October 1, 2014


By understanding the differences between features, benefits, and results, along with how they impact current or potential clients, personal trainers can separate themselves from the rest of the pack and ensure long-term success of their business.

Personal trainers Professional Development personal training personal training business marketing for personal trainers

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