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(545 found)

Stop Hiring Personal Trainers and Start Building Them—Developing an Internship Program at a Fitness Facility

July 1, 2015

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Finding a well-educated and open-minded employee is, in most cases, simply luck of the draw. Instead of hoping for the perfect new hire to come walking through the door, a business owner could try a different technique in which they shed their business owner mindset and transition into a mentorship role. Using an internship program, the mentor can ideally build themselves the near-perfect employee.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development mentoring personal training internship personal training business internship

Fatigue – Enemy or Ally?

April 1, 2022

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The purpose of this article is to help bring awareness of athletic recovery by useful fatigue monitoring and managing tools, such as external and internal load examples.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Fatigue Recovery Internal Load External Load Heart Rate Sleep

Development of Biomotor Abilities for Soccer

January 1, 2013

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Gain insight into the interactions between strength, power, speed, and agility for soccer players. Also, learn basic programing guidelines that adhere to current research.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design exercise programming soccer drills strength training for soccer soccer training speed soccer

Return to Play—Transitioning from Rehabilitation to Strength and Conditioning with the Football Athlete

February 25, 2019

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Due to the high contact and intensity of football, injuries to the players are inevitable. Strength and conditioning coaches play a vital role in the athlete’s process of return to sport. This article is a detailed outline of the solutions that are involved with transitioning a football player from rehabilitation to strength and conditioning back to the field.

Coaches Program design Safety Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Football Return to Sport Injury Rehabilitation Injury in Sport

Core Strength and Functionality with Loaded Carries

July 1, 2016

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What training approaches are efficient and effective at developing functionality and resiliency at the core? The answer lies within an intelligent, systemic, multi-method approach to training the core, including an eclectic set of training tools to individualize specific needs of athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning Core training

Methods for Screening and Preventing Common Injuries in Division I Basketball Players

January 1, 2015


By gathering information about potential risk factors associated with basketball injuries, strength and conditioning coaches can create individualized programs to help keep their basketball athletes healthy and performing at the best of their abilities.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design preventing basketball injuries injury prevention

Error Correction: Five Tips to Help “Fix It”

June 1, 2017


Five evidence-based motor learning practices can bridge the gap between knowing what correction needs to be made and developing effective strategies to facilitate skill acquisition.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach motor learning coaching cues

Boots on the Ground: What Have We Learned? A Retrospect on the Past 10 Years Working as a TSAC-F

October 15, 2018


The tactical strength and conditioning field is evolving each year. Because of the experience of those in the field, as well as the growing body of research, we are gaining a better understanding of what it actually means to work within the tactical field.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development TSAC TSAC-F Tactical Athlete Strength and Conditioning

Proximal Position Dictates Hip Performance and Health

June 1, 2017


This article provides strength and conditioning coaches with strategies to address hip mobility limitations that may lead to lumbar spine and femoral acetabular issues.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach sports injuries injury prevention hip exercises

Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coaches—Apply for Jobs with the Best Strategy: A Personal Perspective

November 1, 2015

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Looking for a job is an art and a skill. Not looking at it that way may cost a strength and conditioning coach a great opportunity. This article provides one experienced coach’s perspective on what is important as a strength and conditioning coach looks to climb the ladder or change positions in the profession.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development coaching career how to get a job strength and conditioning

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