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(90 found)

Considerations for Reporting Resistance Training Program Design

August 1, 2013

Article Members Only

Strength and conditioning coaches can help bridge the gap between research and anecdotal experiences by reporting subjective and objective information obtained while carrying out everyday responsibilities.

Coaches Program design Training program design coaching technique

Excessive Sitting – A Tactical Performance Problem

January 7, 2022


Tactical professionals are often met with jobs that require long periods of sedentary time. This article provides practical strategies for how to minimize the negative impact of chronic sitting for the tactical professional.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Sedentary Muscular Recruitment Neuromuscular Activation Mobility Occupational Task Performance

Programming Considerations for the Tactical Officer in Law Enforcement – Focusing on Fundamentals

October 29, 2018

Article Members Only

By examining a practical approach to programming fundamentals based on a needs analysis and training objectives relative to the program, a foundational plan can be laid that may lead not only to the appropriate progression of a given officer but also to the mutual satisfaction of the trainer and trainee alike.

TSAC Facilitators Program design TSAC Tactical Athlete Law Enforcement

Position Statements


Position statements are official statements of the NSCA on topics related to strength and conditioning and exercise science. All NSCA Position Statements are published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research® and free to the public.

LTAD, Youth Resistance Training, and Early Sport Specialization: What It All Means


Rhodri S. Lloyd, lead author of the LTAD Position Statement, provides an abbreviated look at what long-term athletic development is and how strength and conditioning professionals can implement effective training strategies into programming to improve health, well-being, and growth.

Considerations for Physiological Monitoring of Tactical Personnel

July 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Collecting data can be trial and error, but by building a solid foundation prior to data collection and putting the appropriate people and procedures in place, the tactical facilitator can minimize errors while optimizing effort, money, and time.

TSAC Facilitators Program design tsac personnel tsac monitoring

Exploring the Positioning of Sport Science Programs within Intercollegiate Athletics

December 3, 2021


The purpose of this article is to outline the three general formats in which sports science programs are implemented within intercollegiate athletic departments and to provide pros and cons of each situation.

Coaches Professional Development Sport Science Athletic Department Sport Technology Academic Department

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