Live high/train low: what changes can be expected, what dose is required, and is it preferable to other training models for improving performance in endurance sports such as running, swimming, and cycling?
CoachesExercise ScienceProgram designhypoxiaaltitude acclimatizationaltitude trainingaltitude;endurance trainingtrain highlive lowtrain lowLive high
This article details an example assessment battery that could be used to measure the relative health and fitness of community service officers (CSO) within the context of similar populations.
TSAC FacilitatorsTesting and EvaluationFitness AssessmentIllinois Agility TestDummy DragGrip Strength
HRV is thought to provide objective insight into understanding fatigue, “trainability,” and “readiness” to perform in athletic populations. Evolving access to HRV data may enhance the understanding of individualized fitness and training responses in tactical athletes.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseasehrvMonitoring FitnessTraining LoadTactical AthleteTSAC
Football is a high intensity collision based sport that has an inherent risk of injury in both competition and practice. The focus of ACL injuries and the development of injury prevention programs have been key in the development of youth athletes to keep them participating in sport with reduced risk of injury.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designOrganization and Administration
Supplements that claim to boost nitric oxide have not been proven to be all that effective since the actual conversion in the blood cell is rather complicated and requires oxygen, which is usually in short supply during exercise or at high altitude. So how does an athlete boost their nitric oxide production?
Growth hormone release is affected by the type of resistance training protocol used, including the duration of rest periods. Short rest period types of workouts result in greater serum concentrations compared to long rest protocols of similar total work; however, at present it is not clear how the various molecular forms or types of growth hormones are affected by rest period duration.
Through this article, personal trainers should understand the extremes of the Wim Hof method, and instead encourage clients to follow scientifically-backed deep breathing and cold therapy practices to supplement a well-rounded exercise program.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceProgram designBreathingMeditationCold ExposurePersonal Trainer
Strength and conditioning coaches can safely and effectively integrate strongman training into youth strength and conditioning programs by following established programming guidelines and available research recommendations.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designLTADstrength and conditioning exercisestrength and conditioningyouth strength trainingstrongman training