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(128 found)

Personal Trainers Virtual Conference


Empower Your Fitness Career: Access Innovative Training Insights and On-Demand Expertise at NSCA’s Elite Virtual Event for Personal Trainers

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 3

October 29, 2018

Article Members Only

In the final stage of the gym opening process everything starts to feel very real. Once a location has been chosen, the next steps are to negotiate and sign a lease, create an opening timeline, and plan the grand opening event for the facility.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Personal Training Facility Business Development Gym Owner Steps to Owning Gym

The Use of Artificial Intelligence Applications for Exercise Prescription by Personal Trainers – A Call to Action

December 29, 2023

Article Members Only

This article discusses the limitations and risks involved with artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, as a tool for personal trainers.

Personal trainers Program design Professional Development Programming Artificial Intelligence Software Ethics

NSCA Releases Position Statement on Long-Term Athletic Development


Colorado Springs, CO - The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recently released a position statement in reference to the growing interest in long-term athletic development for youth.

Education Recognition Program


The NSCA Education Recognition Program (ERP) recognizes and distinguishes schools with standardized, approved strength and conditioning or personal training curricula in undergraduate and graduate settings designed to prepare students for the NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer® (NSCA-CPT®) and NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) certifications.

NSCA's Founder Boyd Epley Returns to University of Nebraska as Assistant Athletic Director


Colorado Springs, Co – The University of Nebraska Athletics Department announced yesterday the hiring of Boyd Epley as Assistant Athletic Director for Strength and Conditioning, overseeing the strength and conditioning staff and programs of all Nebraska athletic programs except football.

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