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(22 found)

Development of Phase Potentiation for Strength and Power Athletes

January 26, 2015

Video Members Only

Power and strength translate into force, the key behind any push athlete's success. In this lecture from the NSCA's 2015 Coaches Conference, USOC Coach Brad DeWeese discusses periodization and the need to develop phase potentiation for push athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Strength and Conditioning Coach Power Athlete Strength athlete Strength and Power Programming Phase Potentiation

Potentiation Warm-Ups for Lifting at the High School Level and Beyond

July 29, 2019


World renowned powerlifter, Matt Wenning, addresses the topic of warm-ups during the 2019 Coaches Conference. Wenning discusses a unique warm-up strategy that coaches can utilize to address athletes’ weak points and reduce the risk of injury through potentiation, pre-fatiguing muscles, and variety in exercise selection.

Coaches Program design Movement Patterns Potentiation Activation Warm-Up Work Capacity hs-coaching

Effect of Postactivation Potentiation on Explosive Vertical Jump: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

September 11, 2019


This infographic displays the meta-analysis details of 36 studies and the effects of postactivation potentiation with heavy loads on vertical jump performance.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Postactivation Potentiation Vertical Jump

Postactivation Potentiation: How does it work?

May 1, 2017


Learn about how a potentiating stimulus can induce a postactivation potentiation (PAP) response in vertical jump, sprint, and upper-body performance, as well as the optimal structure of a strength-power potentiating complex.

Coaches Exercise Science PAP infographics Postactivation Potentiation

The Application of Post-activation Potentiation Methods to Improve Sprint Speed

December 3, 2018


The use of conditioning activities at maximal and sub-maximal intensities can increase subsequent sprint speed. This infographic describes how individuals’ responses can differ and suggestions to optimize post-activation potentiation (PAP) methods.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Sprinting Performance Sprint Speed Sprint post-activation potentiation PAP infographics

Concurrent Activation Potentiation – Inconsequential Event or Viable Ergogenic Strategy

January 18, 2020


This article aims to discuss concurrent activation potentiation (CAP) and the proposed mechanisms underlying it, summarize the available research examining the phenomenon, and provide strategies for its implementation.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Potentiation Maximal Muscular Effort Weightlifting Concurrent Activation Potentiation

How to Utilize Contrast Training for Strength, Power, and Performance

January 1, 2021


The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to contrast training, including how it is defined, what variables are utilized, and examples of how to use it in training.

Personal trainers Program design Contrast Training Postactivation Potentiation Power Complex Training

The French Contrast Method – Theory and Application

April 7, 2023

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to discuss the theory behind the French Contrast Method (FCM), current evidence demonstrating its effectiveness, as well as proper implementation and execution for athletic populations.

Coaches Program design French Contrast Method Plyometrics Power Velocity Rate of Force Development

The Case for Gameday Resistance Training in Non-Contact High-Intensity Intermittent Sports

February 5, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to review the related literature that has explored the influence of resistance training programs on the onset of fatigue and muscular power as it relates to non-contact high-intensity intermittent sports, in order to provide suggestions for creating same-day training programs.

Coaches Program design Neuromuscular Fatigue Power Gameday Resistance Training Post Activation Potentiation

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