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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of  the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

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Measurement and Evaluation in a Microdosed Training Program

January 6, 2023

Article Members Only

This article seeks to provide insight on a training method based around prescribing small amounts of training to achieve a large amount of physical improvements.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Needs Analysis Testing Basketball

Meal Frequency and Weight Loss—Is There Such a Thing as Stoking the Metabolic Fire?

April 1, 2015


This article discusses the effects of an increase or decrease in meal frequency, specifically in regards to metabolic rate and body fat loss.

Personal trainers Nutrition nutrient timing meal timing lose weight by eating more weight loss increase metabolism metabolism

Strength Training

July 24, 2020


This excerpt provides a brief snapshot of the use of carbohydrates in resistance training exercise sessions.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Carbohydrates Resistance Training Glycogen Insulin

Muscle Growth

June 19, 2020


This article briefly explains the two principles necessary for muscle growth.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Muscle Size Resistance Training Dietary Patterns

Physique versus Sports Nutrition: Are They Contradictory?

December 27, 2019


In this session from the 2019 NSCA National Conference, Professor and Chair of the Department of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina, Shawn Arent, discusses different nutritional strategies for optimizing performance versus optimizing body composition. He also reviews the current research for various nutritional approaches and trends in nutritional recommendations.

Coaches Nutrition Nutrition Nutrient Timing Glycogen Carbohydrates Protein

Integrating Anaerobic Speed Reserve, Intermittent Fitness Test, and Maximum Aerobic Speed Tests for Comprehensive Fitness Evaluation in Soccer

November 17, 2023

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This article aims to explain why integrating multiple tests such as Anaerobic Speed Reserve (ASR), Intermittent Fitness Test (IFT), and Maximum Aerobic Speed (MAS) can provide a comprehensive evaluation of soccer players’ fitness levels and help to design effective training programs tailored to their individual needs.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Soccer Fitness Intermittent Fitness Test Speed

Supplemental Land Training Considerations for the Recreational Surfer

July 22, 2022

Article Members Only

This article outlines some programming considerations for the recreational surfer.

Personal trainers Program design Surfing Programming Mobility Core Paddling

Pro Deals

NSCA Pro Deals Program: Save on products and services with NSCA Membership! Get special NSCA discount codes and offers from our sponsors and select exhibitors.

Special Episode | The Godfather of Strength and Conditioning Boyd Epley


You can’t talk about strength and conditioning without Coach Boyd Epley. Regarded as the “Godfather of Strength and Conditioning,” Epley laid the groundwork for the profession and later founded the NSCA in 1978. His 10 Husker Power Principles, developed at the University of Nebraska, remain a cornerstone in programming and formed the basis of sport-specific training. Emphasizing strength and power, Epley implemented testing and debunked the prevailing belief that weightlifting hindered speed. He recounts his journey with co-hosts Eric McMahon and Jon Jost, chronicling how a pole vault injury and exposure to bodybuilding led him to become the first collegiate strength and conditioning coach. What began with cement bars and paint cans evolved into a fully equipped weight room and impressive lifelong career. Additionally, Epley’s open-door policy — even with his fiercest competitors — helped drive the profession forward. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in strength and conditioning history. Explore the University of Nebraska’s Husker Power Principles discussed in this episode. Reach out to Coach Epley by email at Get in touch with Jon Jost at Find Eric on Instagram @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn @ericmcmahoncscs. This special episode is brought to you in part by Gatorade Performance Partner. Learn more and join their community at Want to get involved as an NSCA Volunteer? Discover opportunities to lead and share your expertise at Applications for many positions open in September and October!

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