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(327 found)

Abdominal and Lumbo-Pelvic Stability Exercises for First Responders

March 4, 2020

Article Members Only

This article will discuss why it is important for first responders to have abdominal and lumbo-pelvic strength in relation to movements and tasks in their specific jobs. A list of possible exercises and implementation are also included.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Core Strength First Responders Tactical Professions

Exercise Technique—A Simple Approach to Teaching the Power Clean in a Group Environment

June 1, 2017

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There are numerous complexities involved in teaching the Olympic-style lifts. This article explains one way to teach the power clean progression and some coaching cues that can be used to teach sport or tactical athletes in a group setting.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Olympic lifts how to teach the Olympic lifts strength training weightlifting

Lactate Threshold and Maximal Exercise Performance

August 13, 2018


Scientific research has identified lactate threshold (LT) and maximal exercise performance as being very important contributors to endurance performance. A well-designed endurance training program can lead to improvement in both LT and maximal exercise performance within a single season and from season to season.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Endurance Developing Endurance Lactate Threshold

An Example Fitness Assessment Battery for Community Service Officers

February 14, 2020

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This article details an example assessment battery that could be used to measure the relative health and fitness of community service officers (CSO) within the context of similar populations.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Fitness Assessment Illinois Agility Test Dummy Drag Grip Strength

Load Carriage – Programming for Special Operations Forces

April 28, 2023


This narrative review will focus on the research related to tactical load carriage and on a program recommendation to maximize strength and endurance adaptations in Special Operations Forces (SOF).

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Special Operations Forces Load Carriage Stress Inoculation Training Readiness

The 8 Main Movement Patterns – A Programming Framework for Tactical Strength and Conditioning

July 2, 2021

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This article details the rationale for making the eight main movements the foundation of tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Movement Patterns Jumping Tactical Athlete Medicine Ball TSAC-F

TSAC Report – April 2019 Research Column

October 31, 2019

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This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Respiratory Response Personal Protective Equipment Musculoskeletal Injuries Metabolism Firefighters OPAT Police Officers Air Force Special Tactics Operators

Field Hockey

September 10, 2021


This excerpt from Developing Agility and Quickness provides a needs analysis for field hockey and possible program design options for optimal performance outcomes.

Coaches Program design Field Hockey Agility Change of Direction Quickness Speed

Seasonal Considerations for Outdoor Fitness Testing of Law Enforcement Recruits

February 5, 2021

Article Members Only

This article discusses the variability in physical testing outcomes for law enforcement recruits based on the ambient temperatures and relative humidity present on test day.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Law Enforcement Fitness Testing Recruits Temperature Relative Humidity

NSCA Announces Newly Elected Board Members


Colin Wilborn and Bret Contreras are elected to the NSCA Board of Directors. Joining the Nomination Committee are Shawn Arent and Jenevieve Roper.

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