This article will examine the physical demands of soccer players and discuss why repeated sprint ability (RSA) is considered highly important in the performance of these athletes.
This book excerpt provides examples of quickness drills that may improve the ability to identify a specific stimulus and to respond quickly and appropriately.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designAgilityball drops drillshuffle reaction ball drillwave drillreactive sprint and backpedal drillreactive gear drilldrills to improve quicknesshow to improve reaction timesquickness
This article will focus on the management of the physical training process of US Air Force Special Warfare candidates, with relevant information geared toward the specific demands seen within the first phases of a Special Warfare Operator’s development.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designUS Air Force Special WarfareCandidatesWork CapacityRuck
It is no secret that it takes a lot to differentiate yourself in today’s competitive market. But what does it truly take for a fitness studio owner to thrive in this industry? What are the strategies necessary to deploy that get you to the next level?
Personal trainersOrganization and AdministrationNSCA-CPTsmall businessFitness studio
Strength and conditioning coaches with knowledge of the exercise principles for youth and the specific demands of basketball can design effective integrative neuromuscular training (INT) programs based on the individual needs of youth athletes.
The purpose of this article is to make the case for implementing non-traditional sports into training programs that prepare youth for participation in traditional American sports and bridge the gap between pedagogy of physical education and strength and conditioning youth coaching.