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(57 found)

Effective Use of Power Racks for Improved Swimming Performance

December 1, 2023

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The purpose of this article is to inform readers of a training tool which is both safe and effective in allowing swimmers to develop strength and power through a unique training protocol.

Coaches Program design Swimming Resistance Training Power Racks Volume Load

Exploring New Frontiers in Strength and Conditioning and Sport Science

September 16, 2022


The purpose of this article is to bring awareness and provide an overview of emerging areas within strength and conditioning and sport science.

Coaches Professional Development Sport Science Technology Performance Research H2F

Philosophy in Strength and Conditioning—Clarifying Coaching and Training Philosophy

May 29, 2017

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Once strength and conditioning coaches have a better understanding of some of the differences between coaching and training philosophy, they can build their coaching philosophy and ensure it is a combination of both the “why” and “how.”

Coaches Program design Professional Development Coaching Philosophy Training Philosophy Strength and Conditioning Coach

Lower-Body Power Development for Collegiate Female Soccer Players

September 4, 2020

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This article discusses the influence of lower-body power on soccer performance in collegiate female soccer players. It also covers testing for muscular power qualities, different training modalities to use, and sample training programs as examples.

Coaches Program design Soccer Power Plyometrics Complex Training Strength

Combining Physical and Mental Training

June 1, 2017


Much in the same way that a single movement or a single workout does not make or break a training cycle, the same holds true for mental skills. The challenge is that the strength and conditioning coach will likely need to reach out to another professional trained in sport psychology to help establish the plan and construct the appropriate interventions.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach physical training mental training sport psychology

Components of Group Dynamics within the Strength and Conditioning Context

January 15, 2019

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Coaching staffs need to be mindful of how groups are formed for training, who the leaders are, and what group norms are established across the different combinations of athletes training.

Coaches Exercise Science Sports Psychology Group Dynamics Team Building Developing Leaders

Effects of Exercise on Diseases and Disorders—Part 2: Exercise and the Brain

June 1, 2017

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Exercise is an underutilized therapy for the treatment of cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression. While exercise shows more promise for the prevention, rather than the treatment, of Alzheimer’s disease, exercise therapy compares favorably to the most common treatments of depression (psychotherapy and antidepressants).

Personal trainers Exercise Science Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease alzheimers depression cognitive disease exercise therapy

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Monitoring Training Load in American Football

February 4, 2019

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Monitoring training load is essential for determining if athletes are adapting positively or negatively to their training program. This article goes over the various measurement metrics and includes recommendations to monitor training load for football athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Athlete Monitoring Metrics GPS Training Load Football

Caffeine – Practical Applications for Coaches

October 1, 2019

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This article discusses the background, statistics, mechanisms, timing, dosing, influences, and practical applications for the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Caffeine Dietary Supplement Dosing Timing Ergogenic Aid Caffeine Habituation Modes of Delivery

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