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(131 found)

Overcoming Challenges Associated with Training Youth Athletes

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Strength and conditioning professionals must be proactive in fighting the challenges associated with time constraints and overtraining with their youth athletes. By applying the strategies explained in this article, a strength and conditioning professional can help a youth athlete perform at a high level when it matters the most.

Coaches Program design sports performance weight training overtraining strength training youth athletes hs-coaching

Progressive Strategies for Teaching Fundamental Resistance Training Movement Patterns

August 4, 2023


This article provides the personal trainer with sample exercise progressions for teaching resistance training movement patterns along with practical strategies for instruction and reinforcement of proper technique.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Fundamentals Squat Hinge Movement Patterns Resistance Training

TSAC – Reducing the Risk of Injury – Estimating and Countering True Injury Risks

April 24, 2020

Article Members Only

This article is part of a continuing series on practical, evidence-based approaches to reducing the risk of injury while developing tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Job Performance Tactical Facilitator TSAC-F

TSAC—Reducing the Risk of Injury—Dual-Tasking Effects on Balance and Gait

July 24, 2020

Article Members Only

This article is part of a continuing series on practical, evidence-based approaches to reducing the risk of injury while developing tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Gait Dual-Task Training TSAC-F Balance Multi-Tasking

Risk Factors Requiring Wellness Interventions

November 6, 2020


This excerpt from NSCA's Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning explains the importance of wellness programs for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Wellness Interventions Tactical Sleep Disruption Stress Nutrition

Sport-Specific Training – A Guide to Exercise Selection

November 24, 2023

Article Members Only

This article seeks to help simplify the exercise selection process by providing clarity on how different exercises can aid in enhancing performance and potentially reduce injury risk.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Sport-Specific Exercise Selection Joint Angle Squat

Trainer Tips: Hydration

May 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Trainer Tips are infographics designed to help you, an NSCA professional, educate clients and promote your services. These member-only resources can be used for client education, motivation, and promotion.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition hydration NSCA-CPT infographics

Strength and Conditioning for Golf – A Framework for the Higher Handicap Player

October 13, 2023

Article Members Only

This article discusses components of a comprehensive pre-design process that aims to help coaches build an effective golf training program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Golf Swing Leg Power Endurance Explosive Power

Youth Performance and Fitness—Strength and Conditioning Information for Parents

March 1, 2013


Strength and conditioning professionals who incorporate a properly designed and supervised training program can help their young athletes train, compete, and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design youth athlete training youth strength training youth training guidelines

TSAC Report 43 Research Review

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

This article is the eighth in a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities. On this occasion, the focus is on new research presented at the 2016 NSCA National Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 7 – 8, 2016.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation research tactical strength and conditioning TSAC

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