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(46 found)

The Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Performance

June 1, 2017


The effects of alcohol on athletic performance vary depending on quantity, demographics, and type of exercise, making it difficult to determine specific recommendations. From an athletic performance standpoint, the acute use of alcohol can influence motor skills, hydration status, aerobic performance, as well as aspects of the recovery process.

Coaches Nutrition alcohol sports nutrition dietary recommendations strength and conditioning NSCA Coach

Common Medications that Lifters Over 40 Take, and How they Affect Exercise and Nutrition

October 30, 2020


This article aims to offer guidance on the effects of certain medications, as well as help personal trainers and their clients in the consultation process with qualified physicians and pharmacists.

Personal trainers Nutrition Supplements Resistance Training Statins Beta Blockers ACE Inhibitors Blood Sugar Medications NSAIDS Acid Blockers

Cross Education with the Post-Rehabilitation Process

December 18, 2020

Article Members Only

During the rehabilitation process, a client may need therapy outside of the personal trainer’s scope of practice. This article discusses safe and effective modalities that personal trainers can use with clients in the post-rehabilitation phase process.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Cross Education Mirror Training Phantom Limb Rehabilitation Process

Analysis of “Fad Diets” and Alternatives for Optimal Athletic Performance

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Not all diets are appropriate for every population and this is especially true of an athlete who is expected to train and perform at a high level. Learn about the negatives of fad diets, potential pitfalls, and realistic dietary guidelines for athletes.

Coaches Nutrition diet fad diet paleo diet gluten free diet intermittent fasting sport nutrition NSCA Coach


Abstract submissions are open yearly from November to March (exact dates change annually). See the Abstract Submission and Presentation Guidelines for more information (below). Research abstract presentations are an opportunity to present current research findings to researchers and strength and conditioning professionals at the NSCA National Conference.

Improving the Strength and Conditioning Program on a Limited Budget

February 3, 2023

Article Members Only

This article provides a first-hand perspective of different approaches strength and conditioning coaches can take when they need to produce a highly competitive athlete, but their financial resources are limited.

Coaches Program design Professional Development

Pick Your Protein

December 1, 2015

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How can tactical athletes ensure they are getting enough protein, what is the best timing for protein intake, and what should they look for in a protein supplement?

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition evaluating protein supplements protein supplements best protein timing protein

Carbohydrate Periodization—Part 2: Time Carbohydrate Restriction

August 19, 2019

Article Members Only

This is the second part of a two-part series that investigates the effects of dietary carbohydrate availability on exercise performance and how specifically timed restriction of carbohydrates may also paradoxically enhance exercise performance in the medium and long term.

Personal trainers Nutrition Carbohydrates Carbohydrate Restriction Glycogen Calorie Intake

Milk – A Multi-Faceted Food

December 3, 2019

Article Members Only

This article discusses the macronutrients and micronutrients that are in milk and provides information to help athletes better comprehend the benefits of consuming milk as part of their nutritional intake.

Coaches Nutrition Nutrition Milk Recovery Calcium Vitamins

Simplifying the Rules to Programming for Special Populations

April 30, 2018

Article Members Only

By reviewing this simplified process of obtaining a client’s health history and physician release, designing an exercise routine with modified exercises, and providing exercises for paid clients versus general members, NSCA-CPTs can be confident prescribing a routine for those who suffer from chronic or temporary health issues.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment special populations health issues personal training nsca-cpt

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