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(725 found)

Periodization Strategies for Firefighters

April 26, 2014

Video Members Only

There are inherent challenges to designing training programs for firefighters, Mark Abel says in this member-only lecture from the 2014 TSAC Conference. Join Mark as he provides valuable insight into programming for these tactical athletes, including appropriate periodization and training strategies that address these challenges.

TSAC Facilitators Program design strength and conditioning strength training sports performance Tactical Strength and Conditioning TSAC Firefighter

Exercise Choice: A New Approach to Speed Up and Optimize Exercise Selection

October 30, 2017


In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 Personal Trainers Conference, Andy Galpin teaches a unique approach to exercise selection that reduces programming time while allowing the selection to be individualized based on client needs.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Exercise Selection Client Needs Personal Trainer Program Development

A Closer Look at the 10 Pillars of LTAD: The Programming Pillars of LTAD for Strength and Conditioning Professionals – Part 1

January 7, 2022

Article Members Only

This article describes the long-term athletic development programming pillars and suggests practical applications for strength and conditioning practitioners.

Coaches Program design Professional Development LTAD Youth Athletes Wellbeing Technical Competency

Performance Considerations for the UFC Fighter during Fight Camp

April 30, 2021


Matt Crawley, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Internship Coordinator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Performance Institute, discusses performance considerations around testing and programming for UFC fighters, as well as the role of the strength and conditioning coach within the interdisciplinary team.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment UFC Performance Consultation Weight Class Energy Systems Fighting

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: What is Too Much?

December 3, 2018


In this session from the 2018 NSCA Coaches Conference, Ben Gleason brings awareness to the circumstances that lead to rhabdomyolysis syndrome, and some of the exercise programming that can cause this condition. Ben offers recommendations for preventing exertional rhabdomyolysis when training athletes at a variety of preparedness levels.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Safety Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Exercise Conditions Overuse Over-training Muscle Atrophy Rhabdomyolysis

Age-Specific Strength Training: Planning and Programming Resistance Training

November 12, 2018


In this session from the 2018 NSCA National Conference, Lance Walker talks about how to create and develop age-specific strength training programs for ages 9 – 18 and how the programs change and progress. He also discusses how to get the most out of each program for young individuals.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Long Term Athletic Development LTAD Youth Training Age Specific Training Strength Training

Bridging the Gap between Traditional Strength Training and Sports Science

December 22, 2021


From the 2021 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Assistant Athletic Director for Loyola Marymount University and Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Sparks Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) team, Kelly Dormandy, discusses how wearable sports technology can help coaches make more informed decisions for programming and training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development GPS Heart Rate Variability Training Intensities Speed Zones Training Loads

The Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training

October 11, 2019

Video Members Only

In this session from 2019 Coaches Conference, Paul Laursen, co-author of the book “Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training: Solutions to the Programming Puzzle,” explains the physiological targets of high-intensity interval training and how to design and manipulate variables for a variety of applications.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design High-Intensity Interval Training HIIT Physiological Targets Work to Rest Ratio

Post-Rehabilitation Considerations for Low Back Pain

December 24, 2018

Video Members Only

This video from the NSCA 2017 Personal Trainers Conference features Morey Kolber discussing how to recognize clients with at-risk signs and symptoms who require a medical referral for their low back, and what exercise programming is needed for specific lower back injuries and impairments post rehabilitation.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Post Injury Lower Back Injury Injury Risk Recovery Rehabilitation

Training Philosophy

October 25, 2019


When considering applying advanced methods to affect and augment maximal power output, this excerpt from Developing Power explains three key points to consider.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Rate of Force Development Maximal Power Output Force-Velocity Relationship Muscular Power

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