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(560 found)

Building Better Athletes Through Increased Self-Confidence

July 1, 2016

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Planning and designing training programs for a new group of athletes (e.g., a new recruiting class or a new coaching job) can be problematic without a base level understanding of the athletes’ current skill levels. This article describes one system that can be used to determine an athlete's self-confidence on different exercises.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength training strength and conditioning program design self-confidence Sports Psychology hs-coaching

The Application of Systematic Goal Setting for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

April 1, 2016

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Research on the benefits of using goals to increase athletic performance has shown that performance generally increases for athletes that use goals consistently. Learn how to move beyond generalities and see how a systematic goal setting approach can be paired with training athletes.

Coaches Program design sport psychology goal setting athletic performance

Windows of Optimal Trainability

April 1, 2016

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The “five Ss” of trainability and performance are critical periods of development that all youth strength and conditioning coaches should consider when creating a training program. Coaches should take advantage of each window to maximize a youth athlete’s potential and help ensure a long athletic career.

Coaches Program design LTAD youth training guidelines youth athletic training

Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coaches—Apply for Jobs with the Best Strategy: A Personal Perspective

November 1, 2015

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Looking for a job is an art and a skill. Not looking at it that way may cost a strength and conditioning coach a great opportunity. This article provides one experienced coach’s perspective on what is important as a strength and conditioning coach looks to climb the ladder or change positions in the profession.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development coaching career how to get a job strength and conditioning

Sliding Toward Sochi—Part II: A Review of Programming Tactics Used During the 2010–2014 Quadrennial

October 1, 2012

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This article provides an overview of how information collected through a performance-monitoring program can be used to assist in the development of a sliding sport talent identification program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design periodization sliding sport training Bobsled training

Sharpening the Mental Edge: The Use of Sport Psychology Techniques in Strength and Conditioning

November 20, 2020

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Adam Feit, Coordinator of Physical and Mental Performance at Springfield College, discusses the use of psychological skills in collegiate strength and conditioning and shares his insight into how strength coaches are in an optimal position to incorporate more of these skills into the weight room.

Coaches Professional Development Psychological Skills Mental Performance Performance Potential Professional Development

Components of Group Dynamics within the Strength and Conditioning Context

January 15, 2019

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Coaching staffs need to be mindful of how groups are formed for training, who the leaders are, and what group norms are established across the different combinations of athletes training.

Coaches Exercise Science Sports Psychology Group Dynamics Team Building Developing Leaders

Year-Round Strength Training for Collegiate Female Cross Country Runners— Sample Program

January 22, 2019

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Strength training is an often neglected aspect of training for distance athletes. This article gives an overview of the importance of strength training for collegiate female distance runners by providing a sample of an annual training program and considerations to increase performance and avoid injury.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Strength Training Female Athlete Collegiate Distance Runner Annual Training Program Injury Prevention

Monitoring Training Load in American Football

February 4, 2019

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Monitoring training load is essential for determining if athletes are adapting positively or negatively to their training program. This article goes over the various measurement metrics and includes recommendations to monitor training load for football athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Athlete Monitoring Metrics GPS Training Load Football

Developing Linemen from the Ground Up

February 18, 2019

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Linemen often do not get the same attention of the skill positions like a quarterback or wide receiver. However offensive and defensive linemen can control much of a football games tempo and outcome. This article goes over key areas to develop a well-rounded program for football linemen.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Football Linemen hs-coaching Programming for Linemen

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