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(441 found)

Maximizing Game Performance – A Task-Based Approach to Speed and Agility Development

July 31, 2015


On-field success in sports requires the ability to solve sport-specific problems and utilize speed and agility within the specific context of the game. In this session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference, Ian Jeffreys explains how adding a task-based approach to an athlete’s speed and agility training can help ensure optimal transfer from training to game performance.

Coaches Program design strength and conditioning Speed Training Agility Training Game Performance

"Get Up and Go" Drill for Rugby Players

May 1, 2017


The aim of the get up and go drill for rugby players is to develop the ability to accelerate from a low body position, which is especially important when accelerating into a potential contact situation.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique rugby training for rugby agility drills for rugby

Windows of Opportunity

April 8, 2019


This book excerpt from Developing Agility and Quickness describes the windows of opportunity in youth athletes to time progressions in speed and agility training with their biological and chronological development.

Coaches Program design Youth Athlete PHV Speed Training Peak Height Velocity

The Art of Integration—Periodizing Speed, Power, and Strength in the Training Process

April 1, 2019

Video Members Only

In this NSCA 2018 Coaches Conference video, Chris Bellon discusses integrating periodization for speed, power, and strength development for collegiate athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Periodization Speed Power Strength Training Collegiate Athlete

Training, Speed and Conditioning with Football

January 28, 2019

Video Members Only

In this 2018 coaches conference video Todd Hamer describes his experience working with collegiate football players, and his methods for targeting appropriate energy systems to increase athletic performance in speed and conditioning.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Speed Training Conditioning Football Energy Systems

Horizontal Trumps Vertical for Acceleration and Speed Development

July 28, 2014


In this video from the NSCA's 2014 National Conference, Bret Contreras discusses how moving horizontally - quick breaks and agility drills vs. hopping - can result in explosive acceleration and speed.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Acceleration Speed Development Agility Drills

Designing Speed Training Sessions

November 8, 2019


This book excerpt discusses how to maximize sprint quality during training sessions.

Coaches Program design Speed Training Sprint Quality High-Intensity Sprints

Typical Starting Patterns

September 18, 2020


This excerpt from Developing Speed discusses the various start patterns that exist and how to include them in a speed development program.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Speed Stance Acceleration Direction Transition Static Start Rolling Start

Multidirectional Speed in Youth Soccer Players: Programming Considerations and Practical Applications

June 17, 2022


This infographic provides a developmental framework within multidirectional speed for strength and conditioning coaches who work with youth athletes.

Coaches Program design Infographics Youth Multidirectional Speed Training Age Maturation Movement

Speed, Agility, and Quickness Drills and Application for the Personal Training Client

October 29, 2016


In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Personal Trainers Conference, Vance Ferrigno teaches how the body moves in spherical three dimensional space and how to apply fun and innovative speed, agility, and quickness drills to enhance total movement quality.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Speed Training Quickness Drills Personal Trainers Agility Drills

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