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(37 found)

Bridge: Jump-Landing for Females

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates proper landing technique for a box jump, as well as common errors and a progression for teaching proper landing technique.

Coaches Exercise Technique Box jumps how to do a box jump exercise techniques jump landing technique

Bridge: Optimizing Squat Technique

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates coaching cues that can help an athlete to utilize optimal squat technique. It specifically addresses stance width, heel position, head position, and squat depth

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique exercise technique squat exercise squat best way to squat squat technique hs-coaching

Bridge: Impacting the Force-Velocity Curve, with Bo Sandoval

June 1, 2017


Bo Sandoval, Director of Strength and Conditioning for the UFC Performance Institute, walks through weightlifting examples used to elicit changes in the force-velocity curve.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Force velocity weightlifting exercise progressions Force Velocity Curve

Bridge: Olympic Lifting Alternatives, with Dr. Andy Galpin

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates Andy Galpin’s take on Olympic lifting variations for athletes short on time or lacking mobility, which can be used in a group setting.

Coaches Exercise Technique Exercise technique programming Olympic lifts coaching Olympic lifts how to coach Olympic lifts how to coach Olympic lifts in a group setting how to coach the power clean

Bridge: Warm up complexes and progression to train for increased rate of force development, with Nick Savage

October 29, 2018


Nick Savage, Director of Football Strength and Conditioning at the University of Florida, demonstrates warm-up complexes and Olympic-style lifting progressions to improve force development.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Lifts Progressions Rate of Force Development Power Development

Bridge: The 225-lb Bench Press Test, with Dr. Bryan Mann

May 1, 2015


Dr. Bryan Mann, from the University of Missouri, discusses the efficacy of using the 225-lb bench press test for measuring maximal strength.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Testing and Evaluation bench press exercise testing exercise assessment maximal strength

Bridge: Shoulder Function during Overhead Lifting Tasks

November 2, 2015


This video demonstrates optimal joint kinematics at the shoulder complex for overhead lifting tasks as well as a screening process to provide coaches with a tool to assess an athlete’s suitability for overhead lifting.

Coaches Exercise Technique scapulothoracic joint scapula glenohumeral joint impingement overhead lifting trapezius traps serratus anterior

Bridge: Breathing is a Fundamental Mobility Pattern, with Dana Santas

September 17, 2018


Dana Santas demonstrates how to improve mobility and performance by reestablishing positive breathing patterns.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Breathing Mobility Functional Movement Fundamental Mobility Dana Santas

Bridge: Efficient Deceleration

May 11, 2015


This video demonstrates techniques used for the four primary components of deceleration: dynamic balance, eccentric strength, power, and reactive strength.

Coaches Exercise Technique Deceleration Deceleration Drills Eccentric Strength Power

Bridge: Deadlift Variations

May 1, 2015


Matt Thompson gives an overview of different variations of the deadlift and their pros and cons.

Coaches deadlift strength and conditioning exercise technique

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